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(Archived) Edit a pdf note?

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Initially, I had created a pdf file from a web download (recipe). I edited the pdf file with a pdf editor and moved the note to Evernote. After cooking the meal I want to further edit the note. However, since the note is an Evernote pdf image, I can no longer use my pdf editor within Evernote and Evernote will not allow editing of the note.


Is there a way to edit the note that I'm missing (I thought I'd just export the note, edit it and then put it back in Evernote but Export doesn't do a pdf format)?



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I use Windows and Android some I'm going to tell you what I would do in this situation. If you are not in this 


First it is important to understand that each Evernote Note is in the special Evernote format which is "enex." If you do an export you can export it in that format or as you note, web pages. 


Here's the tricky part, your pdf is part of that note like a download is  part of a web page.


Evernote is not a pdf editor so you can't edit that pdf as part of the note. 


So what you need to to do is get just the pdf out.


In a Windows desktop sort of situation, I would put my mouse on the the pdf as it shows up in the Evernote desktop application, and drag it out to my desktop or other folder. There is a little bar at the top of the pdf that shows arrows to advance the pages and then page you are on of so many pages. I click and drag on that area and usually right in the middle. 


Another way to do this is to right click in the middle of document as it appears in the note and you will get several selections, you can then choose "open" and "open with."


The other tricky thing is when you make these changes you need to save the note on your desktop and then insert it back into the note, probably removing the older version at the same time. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm on a mac, and I have an application I like to use to mark up academic PDF documents. I like to keep all these documents organized in Evernote, however I've only recently noticed that if I open a PDF from the note in evernote, then mark up the pdf, save, and close, not only does the pdf in the note not change, but when I open up the pdf in the other application with the same method, all of my edits are gone.


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  • 3 months later...

Hey there! My old thread :P

You've actually been able to open attached PDFs in preview and annotate them like that for quite a while! However now it's a choice between preview and skitch. the question I had was if there is a way to use a different annotation program (in particular skim). it's less important now, not because of the annotation feature of Evernote, but because Preview has gotten a hell of a lot better at annotation since Mavericks came out :)

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