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(Archived) Using a Public Notebook to Demo Evernote to the Masses

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I started a "technology" blog a while back, and I have a section dedicated to Evernote. Since the blog is geared more towards people who are newer to the tech world, I don't go too crazy with technical terms and concepts. One of the recurring themes on my site is trying to get people to give Evernote a spin. It's the type of application that's extremely useful, but for one reason or another people are slightly reluctant to try something new - even if it's free.

My latest post (http://bit.ly/11monr2) actually attempts to convince people to give Evernote another shot. 


Anyway, since writing that post I had an idea about creating a public notebook. I researched it a bit last night on these boards and it seems like something that would be a pretty cool project to fire up and see where it goes. 


Here's what I'm thinking (DisclaimerPlease feel free to tell me I'm nuts or provide input on how this could be a better idea. The wheels for this little project have only started to turn in the past few days so where this thing goes is anyone's guess. It may turn out to be a cool idea, and it may not get any further than this post.)


I'm thinking of setting up a public notebook and using it as a sample for the kinds of things you'd store in Evernote. People don't always get it when you try to explain, so I thought it would be cool to fill it with notes that epitomize just how useful EN can be.


I'm presenting the idea here because I think what would make this "demo" notebook really cool, would be to open it up to some of Evernote's more enthusiastic users - the people on this forum. 


So what do you think, am I nuts? Would any of you be interested in contributing? 


In the beginning I would even like to open it up to some of the folks on this forum. Preferably those who have more than 6 posts and can be trusted with access to one of my notebooks =)


If we got something really cool setup, the next time someone asks us about Evernote we could send them the public link and let the notebook do the talking. I could even see promoting it on Twitter, Facebook - whatever. 


Like I said, at this point it's just an idea. I'm completely open to hearing feedback or suggestions. 

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  • Level 5*

I started a "technology" blog a while back, and I have a section dedicated to Evernote. Since the blog is geared more towards people who are newer to the tech world, I don't go too crazy with technical terms and concepts. One of the recurring themes on my site is trying to get people to give Evernote a spin. It's the type of application that's extremely useful, but for one reason or another people are slightly reluctant to try something new - even if it's free.

My latest post (http://bit.ly/11monr2) actually attempts to convince people to give Evernote another shot. 


Anyway, since writing that post I had an idea about creating a public notebook. I researched it a bit last night on these boards and it seems like something that would be a pretty cool project to fire up and see where it goes. 


Here's what I'm thinking (DisclaimerPlease feel free to tell me I'm nuts or provide input on how this could be a better idea. The wheels for this little project have only started to turn in the past few days so where this thing goes is anyone's guess. It may turn out to be a cool idea, and it may not get any further than this post.)


I'm thinking of setting up a public notebook and using it as a sample for the kinds of things you'd store in Evernote. People don't always get it when you try to explain, so I thought it would be cool to fill it with notes that epitomize just how useful EN can be.


I'm presenting the idea here because I think what would make this "demo" notebook really cool, would be to open it up to some of Evernote's more enthusiastic users - the people on this forum. 


So what do you think, am I nuts? Would any of you be interested in contributing? 


In the beginning I would even like to open it up to some of the folks on this forum. Preferably those who have more than 6 posts and can be trusted with access to one of my notebooks =)


If we got something really cool setup, the next time someone asks us about Evernote we could send them the public link and let the notebook do the talking. I could even see promoting it on Twitter, Facebook - whatever. 


Like I said, at this point it's just an idea. I'm completely open to hearing feedback or suggestions. 


I love the idea, as long as we keep Gazumped and his 600MB files out of it :)

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TechBarber - To help stimulate your creativity, I suggest you go to YouTube, do a search on Evernote, and watch some of the videos there. Some are quite good. Some are pretty weak. I learned a lot from the good ones as to how to use Evernote. - - - When a live, in person demo is not possible, there's nothing like a video to demo something.

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Good point Analyst444. You're absolutely right, it depends 100% on the person creating the video. Some are interesting and some hurt your forehead when you fall asleep and bang your head off the desk.   :huh:


I hear what your saying, but I do think there is some value to giving people a "hands on" look at some actual notes.


I started a new public notebook that can be viewed at the following link:




It is, of course, only in it's infancy. I'm going to add, modify, update, configure as needed. Feel free to provide feedback and if you're interested in contributing to the notebook send me a PM or look me up on Twitter.

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  • Level 5*

Good point Analyst444. You're absolutely right, it depends 100% on the person creating the video. Some are interesting and some hurt your forehead when you fall asleep and bang your head off the desk.   :huh:


I hear what your saying, but I do think there is some value to giving people a "hands on" look at some actual notes.


I started a new public notebook that can be viewed at the following link:




It is, of course, only in it's infancy. I'm going to add, modify, update, configure as needed. Feel free to provide feedback and if you're interested in contributing to the notebook send me a PM or look me up on Twitter.

It looks great. Of course, the videos mentioned above can all be accessed from a note using links. Maybe you could divide them into knowledge-inducing vs. sleep-inducing

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TechBarber - Thanks for sharing the link to your public notebook. I took a quick scan through it and have a good idea where you might be headed. I like the concept. However, I would caution you about providing too much detail for people. In your original post on this topic, you indicated you were trying to figure out how to get people with little tech experience to try out Evernote. My experience is that people with little tech experience tend to have a low tolerance to detail (or for getting organized, for that matter). You have a fine line to walk: between providing real-world demos / examples and not overwhelming people with details. 


In order to encourage people to use Evernote, I developed a PowerPoint presentation on it. On May 20th, I will deliver it for the first time to the members of a local computer club (made up of primarily people over the age of 55). Before I show them Evernote screens and demo how to use it, I offer them a long list of ways to use Evernote in an attempt to whet their appetite. I pasted the list below. I cobbled it together from what I've seen others develop, along with some of my own ideas. - - - You're welcome to consider some of these for your public notebook.






  1. Bookshelf – Wonder where a particular book is on your shelf? Take a picture of all the books as they are on the shelf and search Evernote for the title. It will tell you where it is.
  2. CD / DVD Collection – Same as “Bookshelf”
  3. Voice to Text – (iPhone users) – Do you talk faster than you type? Start a memo or an email. Speak to your iPhone. It will convert your voice to text. Email the result to your Evernote email address.
  4. Business Cards – Take a picture of them. Throw out the originals. Then, search by people’s names and companies.
  5. Recipes – Take pictures of your recipe cards. Search for ingredients or courses.
  6. Health Information – Keep track of your medicines. Take a picture of your insurance card. Scan those medicine explanation pages you get from the pharmacy.
  7. Auto Insurance – Copy/scan your title and registration form. Copy/ scan / download your policy. Search for key words / paragraphs.
  8. Buying Parts – Something break at home and you need a part? Take a picture of it before you go to the hardware store.
  9. Record Driving Directions – Next time you stop and ask someone for directions, record where they say to turn.
  10. Restaurants – Take pictures of the menu, the interior decorations, what you were served.
  11. Flower Arrangements – Take pictures of ones you see and like for future orders.
  12. Your Wall Calendar – Take a picture of it. Take it with you.
  13. Coupons – Make copies. Take to restaurants.
  14. Book / Magazine Articles – See something you want to reference later? Scan it or take a picture of it. Search the text.
  15. Web Sites – Automatically save URLs. Clip pictures. Copy entire pages. Never lose track of where you saw something.
  16. Whiteboards – Take a picture of the whiteboard before you leave the room.
  17. Conference Schedule – Headed to a conference? Take a picture or scan the schedule and session synopses.
  18. User Manuals / Appliance Instructions – Download them from the Internet. You will always have them handy.
  19. Car Location – Always forgetting where you parked your car? Take pictures of the location and signs after you park.
  20. Coin / Stamp / Antiquing Collecting – When browsing, take pictures of the items you are interested in, prices, and seller.
  21. Store Hours – Feel frustrated when you walk up to a store and it’s closed? Do you go home and then start to wonder when they are open? When you’re standing at the closed door, take a picture of the sign that gives the store hours.
  22. Bulletin Boards – Did you come across an event schedule or posting on an item for sale at your school, club, or workout facility that you’d like to have? Take a picture.
  23. Vacation – Save images, pictures, make journal entries, record sounds, music, entertainment.
  24. House Buying – Capture your notes, photos, legal documents about each house that you consider.
  25. Groceries – Build your grocery shopping list. Check off the items needed. Uncheck them when you add them to your cart.
  26. Genealogy – Take pictures of grave markers, internment cards, birth / death / marriage certificates.
  27. Receipts – Take a picture of them. Categorize them. Throw out the originals.
  28. End Sexual Harassment – Turn on your voice recorder just before the harasser shows up.
  29. People – Build people records / notes.
  30. Task Lists – Build them. Check them off.
  31. Meeting Notes – Create a meeting template. Fill it in during the meeting.
  32. Lessons, Speeches, Presentations – Turn on audio recording. Take a picture of the speakers. Take notes.
  33. Share Files / Notes – Send it to anyone.
  34. Collaborate on a Project – Build a notebook or notes in conjunction with another person.
  35. Teachers – Give your teaching notes to your students.
  36. Wish List – Store pictures of items you want to buy. Share with family for birthday and Christmas gifts.
  37. Software Product Codes – Save activation codes for software and games.
  38. Codes – Save codes for buildings you need to access or combination locks.
  39. Wi-Fi Key Codes – Write down the codes needed to access networks and hot spots.
  40. Insurance Records – Take pictures and videos of your home and car in case of a casualty.
  41. Craft Projects – Capture instructions, example pictures.
  42. Movies – Make a list. Copy reviews from web.
  43. Books – Make a list. Copy material from the web.
  44. Family Pictures – Copy pictures you carry in your wallet / purse.
  45. Blog – Create material for your blog.
  46. Letters/Correspondences – Copy old ones. Store for nostalgia later in your life.
  47. Personal Journal / Diary – Make entries. Save them. Review in 20 years from now.
  48. Passwords – Create a note with all your online passwords.
  49. Design Ideas – Clip pictures off the Internet for your design project.
  50. Record Speeches – Going to a presentation? Record what the speaker says.
  51. Log – Log your professional and personal interactions with other people.
  52. School Assignments – Keep assignments, notes, research findings.
  53. Meeting Agenda – Create a template for meeting minutes. Copy it for each meeting. Enter important points that arise during the meeting.
  54. Brainstorming Notes – Do your brain dump on paper with diagrams, schematics, arrows, etc. Take a picture.
  55. Instructions – Building something? Enter step by step instructions.
  56. Keyboard Shortcuts – Write them down. You’ll never remember how to do it.
  57. Links to Videos – Come across a video that you think is great (for example: YouTube)? Capture the Internet URL link so that you can find it later or share with others.
  58. Illustrations – Take pictures of important illustrations or diagrams that you come across.
  59. Jokes – Heard a great joke? Make some notes so that you can pass it on.
  60. Software Instructions – Did you final find instructions on how to get a program to work? Will you remember it tomorrow?
  61. Answering Questions – Tired of answering the same questions email? Enter the answer once and then copy it for the next time the question comes in.
  62. Posts and Tweets – Copy them for future reference.
  63. Quotations – Did you hear or read a great quotation that touched your heart or mind? Save it.
  64. License Plates – Forget your license plates numbers? Someone will ask. Take a picture.
  65. Posters / Flyers – Take a picture of an upcoming event that you’d like to take in.
  66. Products / Goods – Did you come across something in a store that you’d like to look for later? Take a picture. Be sure to get the UPC Code and Bar Code.
  67. Computer Error Message – Did your computer show an error message on a screen? Did you call technical support and they ask what did the error message say? Take a picture of the error message?
  68. Computer Report – Did your computer show a report on its screen that you’d like to take with you but you can’t get it out of the computer? Take a picture.
  69. Bands – Record them, take pictures of them as they perform. Pick up lyrics to their songs. Send the sound recording to Google Voice which will convert it to text.
  70. Sheet Music – Scan it. Use it to play your instrument.
  71. Significant Others – Take notes of their likes and dislikes.
  72. Furniture Placement – Take a picture before you move it and afterwards.
  73. Board Games – Take a picture of what is in your closet. Search for game titles.
  74. Greeting Card Words – Scan phrases, words, sentiments, messages, etc. in greeting cards. Use them in emails and messages to family and friends.
  75. Paint Colors – Take snapshots of the current paint on walls you’re trying to match and take it to the paint store to narrow down your selections.
  76. Your Long Term Goals – Write them down. Don’t get sidetracked by shorter term things. Read your long term goals once a week.
  77. Fiction Book – Make notes on your characters. Develop the plot / story board.
  78. Speaking Notes – Make an outline of material that you intend to cover.
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Thanks for the ideas. Good point about walking a fine line, I definitely have to keep that in mind.

If you'd be willing to, I'd invite you to put that presentation or portions of that presentation into the notebook. Of course, I'd give you full credit within the note, links - whatever.

If not that's cool too, thanks for the ideas!

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  • 1 month later...

I went through and added a few more links to useful videos tonight. Would love to have some "peeps" from the forum contribute to it as well. As it stands right now it's a bit of a "dictatorship" on my part. If you'd like to help me turn it into a democracy please let me know/contact me.

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This is a great idea.  It's a bit curatorial, but you could add a "table of contents" note with note links to new notes added, set its date to the far flung future, and then it'll sit up top for users to view.  I'm not sure how well this will scale, but it's something to think about.

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