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(Archived) Firefox

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Does someone at Evernote just not like Firefox? Are you being paid to push people to Chrome or some other browser? Why does every update have problems with Firefox and every Firefox update not supported by Evernote? I used to be an Evernote evangelist, but not so much any more.

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A few months ago, the web clipper would not work at all with the (then) latest version of Firefox. It took weeks and weeks to get that resolved. I got all sorts of differing advice from EN support (back when they actually answered chats). Now, the clipper will not do screen grabs but will only render text format when you attempt to clip a full page. It just seems that Firefox is an afterthought for the folks at EN.

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  • Level 5

I clip hundreds of web pages every month in Firefox using Clearly. Half of my 20,000 notes are web captures. Occassionally, a page won't come through correctly and I'll use the Evernote Clipper. Haven't seen any problems with Firefox, Clearly, or the Clipper.

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  • Level 5*

Haven't seen any problems with Firefox, Clearly, or the Clipper.

Agreed. My browser of choice is FF (currently 18.0) and while there have been hiccups with new versions (of FF) when clipper - and several other (non-Evernote) tools I use - needed to catch up with the latest changes, I haven't had any long term outages.

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Buried in another thread on this same subject is a link to a download to fix the problem. You have to remove the clipper you have an install the latest version. I don't know why Evernote doesn't tell you these things. I subscribe to their RSS feed and have not seen anything.

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We like Firefox a lot at Evernote. But you are right that we have had and still has some major issues with the FF Web Clipper in the last 4-8 weeks. Most if not all issues has been fixed and now we are working to get them approved by Mozilla so the new version can be rolled out - this process typically takes 2-3 weeks and is not something we have any control over.

I don't know what RSS feed you are referring to and what your expectations are from it. If you have issues I recommend talking first to support or check the forums.

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  • Level 5*

If you check my signature you'll note that I always show the details of OS / Evernote / browser / clipper / clearly versions since things change around here very frequently and any problems are often due to recently out-of-date installations. And to be fair no problem was mentioned / fix requested up front here..

We're always pleased to help when asked.

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We like Firefox a lot at Evernote. But you are right that we have had and still has some major issues with the FF Web Clipper in the last 4-8 weeks. Most if not all issues has been fixed and now we are working to get them approved by Mozilla so the new version can be rolled out - this process typically takes 2-3 weeks and is not something we have any control over.

I don't know what RSS feed you are referring to and what your expectations are from it. If you have issues I recommend talking first to support or check the forums.

I tried to reach Evernote chat and waited 10 minutes, then I got a message that chat was unavailable. This was during business hours. The RSS I'm referring to is http://blog.evernote.com/

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