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(Archived) Evernote = Neverfind

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Different search results between Evernote Windows client PC and or web browser or Android.

Windows PC 01 = 16 results

Windows PC 02 = 16 results

Browser = 6 results

Android client = 6 results

One can not be sure when searching via the web interface;-(

Errors reported on Thursday 7 June 2012 14:49:41 (Germany)

No, I do not use private notes ;-)



I only came up with the idea, because I knew that there must be more results! This is really a heavy bow, I just use my premium account for the finding on different platforms. That to me is the greatest argument to use Evernote.

Hope Evernote solves the problem in the near future.

best - cheffe

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  • 3 weeks later...

No change in the problem.

One can not rely on the search! Can not believe it! That's a disaster!

I'm like the only really use the Evernote seriously :)

Certainly not, but I do not want to think about it, if I had left in my example to look in a browser and Android. :wub:

I got an extra month premium account, but what good is this if not the search works 100%?

Very few are aware of this fatal mistake. I hope you just edit the unimportant things, and make the search of any decisions / payments.


best - cheffe

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  • Level 5*

No change in the problem.

One can not rely on the search! Can not believe it! That's a disaster!

I'm like the only really use the Evernote seriously :)

Certainly not, but I do not want to think about it, if I had left in my example to look in a browser and Android. :wub:

I got an extra month premium account, but what good is this if not the search works 100%?

Very few are aware of this fatal mistake. I hope you just edit the unimportant things, and make the search of any decisions / payments.


best - cheffe

Hi. Thanks for reporting this!

There are a few threads with search inconsistencies, including one that I started (http://discussion.ev...ms/#entry123953). As you noted, the web version turns up different numbers. This is reproducible in just about any search, and I think the developers are aware of the issue.

When I have a chance (not much free time yet), I am planning to pull all of these reports together and try to keep track of how they are doing -- some old problems have been fixed and some new ones have cropped up. I am sure that the developers are working hard to iron these out, and the more data we can give them (submitting support tickets, providing screenshots, and noting them here on the forums), the sooner they'll get it done :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • Level 5*

Catastrophic search the 2nd / Katastrophale Suche Evernote die 2te

take a look at


Can not believe it!

Premium-Account Testet: Windows client (2 PCs) / Android / Webpage


HI. I have merged your two threads, because they are basically saying the same thing: search results are inconsistent across clients. Please do not make multiple threads on the same topic. I (and others) have reported this on the forums as well, so this is a longstanding problem (see my post earlier in the thread).

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  • Level 5*

Hi GrumpyMonkey,

It's not the same! In the new issue,

Evernote found on any platform nothing!

And if you look at my example / link. It must be easy to find.

best - ever2012

The images are too small for me to make anything out. Could you post the snippet of text you think ought to be found, and the search you entered into the search field? That might help me check it on my end.

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GM, If you click on the button in the top right of the shared note, you can see the images. The new shared view resizes them to fit unfortunately.

As for the issue, it seems that the underscore is making the note title all seem like one word.

Attachments also seem to only follow search from the start. So in my testing, and looking at your images, the search for not *should* only match the third attachment (since it starts with "Not")

I found that it wont match (in your case) the title or the first attachment.

title: Anschreiben_notebooksbilliger.pdf appears to be treated as one word in Evernote Search

1st attachment: Attachment searching seems to treat the whole filename as one word, so searching subsequent words does not noecessarily work.

I *think* you should see a match for the third attachment though, since it starts with Not.


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  • Level 5*

I *think* you should see a match for the third attachment though, since it starts with Not.

Evernote does not index filenames for regular searches. You need an advanced search for filenames to catch that. Heather explains some of this here ().

The only thing it *should* be searching for is the note title in this case, and as you noted, the underscore appears to be making the note title appear as a single word.

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I *think* you should see a match for the third attachment though, since it starts with Not.

Evernote does not index filenames for regular searches. You need an advanced search for filenames to catch that. Heather explains some of this here ().

The only thing it *should* be searching for is the note title in this case, and as you noted, the underscore appears to be making the note title appear as a single word.

Ahh, I forgot about that, and I also had some interesting results when trying this, so things may be confused on my end.

(I have some notes that filename fails on and normal search finds...not really sure what is going on there...)

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The word "NOTEBOOKS..." is not only in the attached files, it is the in the name of the note, too. The name of the Note is: "Anschreiben_notebooksbil..."

The underscore is NOT a word delimiter. EN does not search for phrases/words within words. So looking for the word notebook will never find _notebook. If you replace the underscore with a space, then you should be able to find this note when searching on the word notebook.

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I have tested it. You are right. Without "_" EN will find it. Thank You :)

But hard to know, that attchement Names will not be found. Because here start one file with "note..." :(

But OK, now i know it :)

Any ideas for my first problem ? Look at the top, of my old first post


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