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(Archived) "attriutes" ??

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  • Level 5*

Visited the /debugmenu option recently in the latest Windows Beta version to try to reconcile a difference in usage between desktop EN and web/ droid EN (didn't work) but whilst amusing myself trying options I noticed the following window -


I assume the word you're looking for is "attributes"* guys.. not earth-shattering I know, but there's a UK supermarket with the tagline "every little helps.." which I think applies here. ;)

* If it's any consolation I misspelt it too, first time. All the right letters, just not necessarily in the right order...

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Visited the /debugmenu option recently in the latest Windows Beta version to try to reconcile a difference in usage between desktop EN and web/ droid EN (didn't work) but whilst amusing myself trying options I noticed the following window -

Need more details to confirm but am betting that you will need to submit a support request to get the discrepancy fixed.

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  • Level 5*

sorry gazumped, but another spelling police officer has already charged en with the crime :)


@GM: How did you know, or even remember that? That report was buried in the comments for a EN Blog in Dec 2010.

I guess this is one case where EN didn't read "everything", or maybe typos are just too small to worry about. ;)

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