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(Archived) Default window size


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Once you have opened a note using "Ctrl+Enter" you can then go ahead and resize the window to whatever size you require and this will be saved for every note that you bring up using this method. It is a one size fits all once resized that is.

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  • 1 year later...


I'm starting to use EN on a new 12" laptop and Ctrl+Enter generates a window that occupies 2/3 of my screen. I resize it to what I want but the program doesn't memorize it, not even when I reopen the same note.

Window screen size "sticks" as expected for my 4.5.10 (267980 Public, XP SP3) install on my old 12" laptop. Is this a bug in 4.6 (268178 Public, Win 7 SP1)?

Above is an older report of the same problem.



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