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(Archived) Comments support for shared notes

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Now we can use Evernote notebooks to share our notes in public. How about adding supports for commenting these shared notes by others? Then the shared notebbok can be used as a personal blog (just like the Evernote blog), and Evernote users or others can communicate and discuss with each other. I think this support is not difficult for the developers to implement and more importantly, it can attract more users and make Evernote more public.

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I prefer to use Google Docs for many to many collaborative documents. It is designed for the job, and is at this time, robust and relatively mature.

Lots of other things I would like to see first in Evernote, e.g.

- Text hiliting

- Enhanced search syntax

- Consistent editing and rendering across platforms


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, yes, it would be great to use EN like a blog. The idea rises every now and then and results in "EN is not a blog" statement.

But I find this attitude rather strange - the sharing possibilities develop without any clear direction. Notes can be shared to Facebook and Twitter - why only these two, why not google+ or blogger? In fact, almost any blogging service including stand-alones could be covered if only RSS feed would be fixed. Just yesterday I discovered that it cuts pictures in halves, vertically, and displays only the second half!

Notes can be shared by email - but not really, see my post viewtopic.php?f=30&t=30110.

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I all honesty, he said, "he thinks" ergo, a guess. Your comment is in no way productive to the ideas posted in this thread and should be disregarded by one else who reads it.

In all honesty, attempting to "guess" how easy/difficult something would be for the devs is in no way productive & should be disregarded.

(You seriously signed up to make this your first post???)

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I all honesty, he said, "he thinks" ergo, a guess. Your comment is in no way productive to the ideas posted in this thread and should be disregarded by one else who reads it.

In all honesty, attempting to "guess" how easy/difficult something would be for the devs is in no way productive & should be disregarded.

(You seriously signed up to make this your first post???)

Thanks for your comments. English is not my native language, maybe I used the inappropriate word. I said it might not be difficult, because I found a software/service similar to Evernote in China called Mknote. Mknote does just the same thing as Evernote, and they implemented this comment function in a month. Mknote project is started about 1 year ago, and it has implemented almost every features that Evernote supports and even more. However I still like Evernote and hope it be better.

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