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(Archived) Missing notes from May 14->May 17

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Hi -

My account is missing several note updates from the last few days. In my Mac client (Version 2.1.1 (146391)) I see plenty of activity in the activity log from the last few days but on my Mac and my iPad I don't see the updates. All these updates were generated by typing them on my Mac.

How do I start to dig for where the problem is?



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Hello all,

First time here...

I am missing AN ENTIRE NOTEBOOK.........I am going to try and remain calm,,but I really am freaking out..... I had a LOT of stuff in there..

Stuff that I thought was safe and would NEVER have to worry about losing......It was all there several days ago...and I had recently added new info.

I contacted support and received the message about going to HELP and saving the activity log....attaching it as a file.

When I click on HELP all I get is the HELP and DOCUMENTAION page............... I cannot find an "activity log" anywhere to send....

I'm so freaked about this I cant even remeber what else may be missing...

Help please.....

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I am missing AN ENTIRE NOTEBOOK.........I am going to try and remain calm,,but I really am freaking out..... I had a LOT of stuff in there..

Stuff that I thought was safe and would NEVER have to worry about losing......It was all there several days ago...and I had recently added new info.

I suppose it would be silly to ask if you had a recent backup of your database...???

When I click on HELP all I get is the HELP and DOCUMENTAION page............... I cannot find an "activity log" anywhere to send....

They are talking about the Help section in the EN desktop, not on the EN website.

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Dear Y'all,

Thanks so much for your help and suggestions....

Hopefully the problem will be fixed soon .....since I have now located the right HELP button.....duh..

Glad you guys are here..... :)

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