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Evernote Submit Request change

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When preparing to submit a new bug to Evernote technical support, I noticed they had removed all entries from the ID, CREATED and LAST ACTIVITY COLUMN.


Anyone else noticed the same thing? 

Evernote has become increasingly glitchy over the past 2 weeks after a brief period of stability. Wonder what they're trying to cover up this time.


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  • Level 5*

Same here.  You can get the ID of an individual report by selecting it,  but it's no longer possible to add more comments from that link or see the status. 

Don't know whether this is permanent or just a temporary thing that's part of the general clean-up.  Don't know what evernote would be 'covering up' by this change - you'd have to contact Support to find out more.  Oh, wait...

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  • Level 5

It was obvious from the fast and somehow weird initial responses that no human was part of making this happen.

Probably they decided early on not to hire expensive support staff, but to employ an AI approach to cut cost.

If so, I think it has cost them dearly. 

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  • Level 5*

The constant problem for support staff is using their skills wisely.  The hierarchy is usually a first tier fielding all enquiries and dealing with the easy fixes,  linking up to a more experienced tier who can tech more serious stuff,  who in turn can refer some issues up to developer level where something is clearly wrong with the coding.

The first tier also tend to have a global 'have you tried this'?  Auto response to try to resolve some issues without even getting to first base.

- All that is my experience running a customer service team <mumble> years ago when we didn't have AI...

Now I'm using AI... selectively... like a colleague who's read all the manuals but has no real-world experience.  I can see the attraction of trying to use AI to generate a more specific response to a particular issue - but I reckon you'd have to have a training database so the system can recognise all the different ways a user can report similar issues.

I think the AI thing is evidence of Evernote making every effort to get Support back on track - because they can't magic dozens of Evernote-specific staff out of thin air,  and they're trying to support the staff they have with as much backup as they can.

My team got into a similar situation once and I do remember it was more than a (very painful) year before we got out of it.

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