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Task functionality (add tags)

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I've just started to use tasks and I'm loving this feature. However, my problem with tasks is that there is no way to different different types of tasks beyond priority. Currently, I have over 200+ tasks, and not all of them are relevant to what I want to do right now, so it becomes a soup on things I need to review, while I want to create more focus by being able to select specific tasks to focus upon. In my view it can be done with tags, folders, on in any other way. Thank you

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I have my tasks in specific notes for specific things. EG. Every client has a notebook and a task note. I also have task notes for specific projects I'm working on.

This lets me use the note or notebook view in tasks which is useful to filter things down by project/thing.

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Hello Jon,

In this topic, I'm trying to give ideas for the development of Evernote. Since I like it and I'm a paid user, I have all my to-do notes here. Recently, I tried out the new "tasks" feature, which is great, but it is still very much underdeveloped. I'm really hoping Evernote will improve this feature. My current problem with it is that it's very hard to use when one has hundreds of tasks. It becomes a nightmare to sort them, with tasks piling up on top of each other. What I'm asking for is a way to make everything more organized and easy, such as:

- Adding tags (e.g., project 1, project 2, ...) to different tasks.
- Implementing a drop-down menu so that similar tasks can be grouped together.
- Fixing the issue with shortcuts not working properly, such as the "search" function
- Simplifying the process of changing dates on tasks. Maybe introduce a drag and drop system?

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I'm looking forward to your improvements!

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21 minutes ago, romanrusso said:

My current problem with it is that it's very hard to use when one has hundreds of tasks.

I find that emojis added to the name of the task work well. If you list tasks in alphabetical order in the tasks view they are grouped together. You can also filter by the emoji.


I have key sequences mapped to different emojis using AutoHotkey (Windows). So for example ,,r gives me 🔴 which is much simpler than using an the emoji system on Windows. There is no need to use emojis if you don't want to. For example, use something like {work}. Filtering by {work} will not find tasks containing the word work without the curly brackets.

I also use the flag system to isolate the next 3 or 4 tasks to do if the list for today is just too long.

The primary organisation of task should probably be by note. You can already organise tasks by note and notebook.



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57 minutes ago, Mike P said:

I find that emojis added to the name of the task work well.

... or add a prefix like "priv:", "D15:", ... to the task text and search for it within a task view (in case you do not want to use/maintain other tools 😉).

But I agree with @romanrusso: It would be great the allow tasks to be grouped/found by Tags (of notes). Adding Tags to Tasks directely will not be possible because it would need a huge change of datastructures. 

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