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I've used Evernote for years and, until the last couple of months, found it to be reliable. I am now missing 100% of the content about half of the time that I take a note. I keep a single note for each topic. I can add to it one day and find the content there when I go back to it, and then add to it again and have the content not save. I thought that this issue was being caused by my iPad, but it happened this week on my iMac. It is such a hardship to lose notes that I have diligently taken in important meetings. I have tried all of the troubleshooting options, including logging out, checking the history online, etc. I am now in search for a better option. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was happening to me on occasion - I would go back to a note, and there would be nothing there, or I would write a note, and then it wouldn't save or it would disappear. (People here didn't seem to believe me, though, or thought that my case didn't matter because if it was actually a problem then it would affect more people? Anyways)

However! I was always able to find the original note(s) in the Note History - that used to be a paid feature but looks like they've made that a regular free feature now, which is important if Evernote has a penchant for losing one's notes... It's concerning if you can't even find them in the history now. Hope support is able to help you!

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Log in to the web version and see if they are there.

If they are reinstall the apps. If not then contact support.

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