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067 - Imported files are re-imported (should be deleted after import)

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Bug Description
  • I've defined a folder to automatically import files that are copied/moved to that folder (works OK)
  • After exiting and restarting EN10 (or changing account), these files are imported once more
  • There was an option available (sometimes prior to Version 10.77.3) but has been removed
  • Even with option set, functionality did never work

Expected behaviour
  • Either delete imported files from import folder (suggested solution)
  • Avoid already imported files from re-import

  • Clean-up import folder manually 😞
Edited by AlbertR
Highlighted most important contraints
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/12/2024 at 5:57 PM, gazumped said:

AHK or other file automation will empty the folder after processing. 

How should AHK or any other tool recognize whether and when EN has imported the files?
It's only EN who has to remove the files after (successful) import.

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, AlbertR said:

How should AHK or any other tool recognize whether and when EN has imported the files?

Doesn't have to - in my workflow I'll move and edit scans into a "scanned files" folder,  then when I finish scanning and editing I'll move 40 (for example) PDF files into the Import folder.  When Evernote says "Imported 40 notes" I hit the Eject combination and those files are then AHK'd to an external drive archive folder out of the way.

This is another of those old hold-outs from bygone days that New Evernote may have on its hit list.  It'll get fixed when it gets fixed - they're apparently prioritising the backend bits first.  And there are other bugs to resolve...


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14 hours ago, gazumped said:

This is another of those old hold-outs from bygone days that New Evernote may have on its hit list.

Sure - but it would be fine to have users to be part about this hit list 😉 - but IIRC we already had this discussion...

14 hours ago, gazumped said:

they're apparently prioritising the backend bits first.

Hmm, I often have the feeling that they try to fight for new customers by "enhancing" the frontend. Thereby they forget to get some things done before a release...

All-in-all I'm going to like the new UI and some of the new functionalities (especially Tasks). But I only have to believe that they will fix so many things in the future. I miss a clear official road map.

14 hours ago, gazumped said:

... in my workflow I'll move and edit scans into a "scanned files" folder, ...

OK, might be an another workaround. Did you work this way before EN10?
In my workflow, the import folder(s) is a destination of many other files from other applications. To work them up, I use EN. 

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, AlbertR said:

Did you work this way before EN10?

Yup.  Paranoia is my middle name - added to the fact that even good-ol' Legacy had the occasional glitch. At one stage I kept the paper version of scanned documents n a basket near my desk in case for a month or so in case there were issues with the online version,  AND I had sheets of pre-printed numbered stickers to apply to each one pre-scan so I could be sure which ones had been processed.  

I'd had one of those moments when on a couple of occasions I could not find something I was sure I scanned into Evernote - so I made extra sure I could confirm each scan that had happened.  Also raised a Support ticket at the time (Ah - the good old days...) but neither Evernote nor I could find any confirmation I was not just imagining things. 

My current process is me being relaxed and trusting.  (But I still keep scanned pages until the pile gets too big,  and then have a shredding day every few months...)

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I think all the companies I ever worked for have taken the view that publishing a road map just does the competition's planning work for them.  If you're bringing out a new feature at the end of the year - your competition will do the same..  about a week earlier...

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4 hours ago, gazumped said:

I still keep scanned pages until the pile gets too big,  and then have a shredding day every few months...

Same here - but processing is done in EN - only... (but schredding every few days...)

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2 minutes ago, gazumped said:

your competition will do the same..  about a week earlier...

Maybe - but competitors will be successfull with this only if they're better that EN. Are they?
If EN is the trend setter (with the better devs), this will kick competitors to quality and other problems...

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Welcome to the Asylum Studios theory of marketing - these are the people who make 'Mockbusters' of all the best films;  copies that are similar in general story,  but made with a down-on-their-luck former known actor and a bunch of wannabees,  on about 1% of the original budget.

I give you,  in no particular order:

  • Transmorphers (original film - Transformers)
  • Atlantic Rim (original film - Pacific Rim)
  • Snakes on a Train (original film - Snakes on a Plane)

These are all "so bad it's funny" remakes,  but if you weren't paying attention when you arranged to watch a film you might wind up spending some cash in the wrong place.  At the least it's earned them undying fame,  the funds to make endless Sharknado spin-offs and my (slightly hysterical) admiration.

Copycat marketing is the same thing.  You'll see some well-made advertising for the new feature including 'prefabulated aluminite' and then maybe get an email offering a discount for something sounding similar.  You'll at least go to the website,  racking up views and search-engine brownie points,  and might even sign up for the trial period.  You could be happy with the service,  even though there's a much better option with the original advertiser.  Or you might pay for a few months and storm off in disgust.  Either way it's a win/ win/ win for the copycat.

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