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Why does Evernote not provide an opt out on AI? How safe is your data?

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I know all tech companies are falling over themselves to find a reason to shoehorn AI into every use but for me that doesn't reflect my need.

They claim to be focused on users but foist their belief that their rather poor formatting tool is not only something that users want but that should be prominent in the formatting options on Notes and something that you cannot opt out of.

The last thing I want is any of my data being manipulated by an AI tool as I have zero confidence that it keeps may data secure.  Mass Data Models base their "performance and functionality" on using and maintaining the rights to other people's data.

As someone who works in Data Protection, I see massive fines for tech companies for lying about what they will do with your data or just being plainly incompetent.

Without the option to opt out I am losing confidence that EN is a good home for my data. 

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  • Level 5*
42 minutes ago, ChristinaaJ said:

Without the option to opt out I am losing confidence that EN is a good home for my data. 

Hi.  If you have any doubts about Evernote's security,  please see this page - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313518-How-does-Evernote-use-my-personal-information-and-data

And for your reassurance,  everyone is automatically opted out of AI unless you specifically choose to use to use one of the AI options.

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