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EN 10.86.4 on Mac now takes 22 seconds to launch.

I haven't yet tried what I've done in the past, which is to completely uninstall and reinstall, because every time I do I lhave to waste my time and lose all my preferences.

Point being: I shouldn't have to do any of that if the product wasn't so buggy all the time.


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  • Level 5

Go offline (without any internet connection). Launch the app.

How long does it take ? 5 seconds for me, on first start of the day. Instant if the app is already open in the dock.

Everything above that is network latency. You shouldn't embarrass yourself by mixing up network issues with the startup of an app.

It is good practice to start frequently used apps right away, and leave them running idle until needed. This way you have zero startup time. But maybe it's too simple a solution, and doesn't allow for postings in the forum.

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On 5/1/2024 at 4:13 PM, PinkElephant said:

You shouldn't embarrass yourself by mixing up network issues with the startup of an app.

I'm not embarrassed; you shouldn't embarrass yourself by jumping to conclusions and being snarky about it.

1. After my initial post I upgraded to version 10.6.5, which launched in 16 seconds, a slight improvement. I now have version 10.6.8, which took 15 seconds to launch.

In all instances the app has launched very slow, flashed a white screen for several seconds before finally loading.

2. I tested your 'fix' - I took Internet offline and tested the app again - guess what? Still took 14 seconds to fully launch.

It's not network latency. Lots of my other apps open smartly, eg. Transmit - took all of 2 seconds.

And don't lecture me on keeping apps open, that's just arrogant.

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  • Level 5

It’s anything else than arrogant: If I know I need an app „now“ when I need it, I start it up with the computer / user login, and keep it open all day.

You complain about some seconds startup time, but omit the most obvious solution. Opening a running app is instantaneous.

The differing startup times between your and my test are likely related to the system resources (drive speeds, CPU, RAM) once network influence is eliminated.

If startup would be much slower, and other signs showing it could be your database is corrupted. But with 15sec I doubt that this is the case.

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Fact is that EN10 starts up slowly - compared to other (comparable) apps and even more so to older versions 😉
Starting apps in stock can't be the solution if you're not equiped with the best HW.
Changing an account needs to start the app with every switch (OK, that's not a normal use case - but often mine...)

Should we name the problem to be a feature "really fast startup" to get it solved?


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On 5/3/2024 at 3:27 PM, PinkElephant said:

The differing startup times between your and my test are likely related to the system resources (drive speeds, CPU, RAM) once network influence is eliminated.

I seriously doubt it, I'm running a pretty new iMac with an SSD and plenty of RAM. And keeping an app open or not is not the point: it simply shouldn't take 15+ seconds to launch - EN has too much cruft and no way to disable 'features' I don't want (hello A.I.).

Bottom line: when the end user upgrades to a new version and immediately notices a massive slowdown in performance, something is obviously wrong. From my earlier example, if Transmit suddenly went from a 2-second launch to a 10-second launch, you can be sure I would be notifying their team to fix it.

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  • Level 5

If I start the app on the Mac offline, it takes 5 seconds.

Which simply shows: The rest of the time is used to bring my content up to date, with an initial sync. Which is a) a good idea and b) requires some time to execute.

Conclusion: If you can't wait 10 seconds longer, just go offline before you open the app.

Or send a feature request to get the app opened and nicely showing while it syncs the latest changes. 10 seconds ...

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