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Collapsible sections on iOS & future plans for support

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COLLAPSIBLE SECTIONS ARE THE GREATEST FEATURE EVER!!!!!!!! I can use them sort of like Workflowy for deeply nested lists which mirrors the way my brain works.. however there are a few issues I want to check before going all in on them:

1. They don't appear in the iOS app? All sections are just expanded and cannot be collapsed.. is this coming in the future?

2. Only the 3 headers can be collapsed, not lists or any other element. Is this going to change?

3. Ideally I would structure a lot of my disparate notes within a single note per year, with sections for each day and nested sections within that day for different topics. So that kind of note would have a lot of sections with lots of nesting. Is EN really going to support sections well enough that this is feasible and doesn't bug out or lag?

Generally can we expect these to be a first-class, well-supported, long-term feature of EN?

EDIT: Also what is going on with the forums? There are way too many subforums, some of which don't have posts for years. The main discussions page recommends posts from 2020. The whole thing is a mess.. the forums should be consolidated and the interface should clearly show the newest/trending topics. The search function also just doesn't work, doesn't find a lot of posts that have the right keywords, and it makes you select every single forum you'd like to search manually instead of searching all of them.. this is just terrible.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  All good questions,  but we're mainly other users here;  and Evernote has never over-shared it's future plans. 

Given the break-neck speed of development in the past 18 months though,  it seems highly likely that existing features will be developed further,  and new ones added.

Searching the Forums has always been an issue,  but as it's a public forum you should find that any internet search will find forum topics as well as third-party ones.

I believe that Evernote will be looking at the overall structure this year - it's unknown when or how that might lead to changes.  Since you raise the question - how would you see things being revised?  IMHO the major issue with Forums is that new users often don't know enough to ask the right questions, and frequently don't give enough information initially to get a sensible answer.  (I have the phrase "what's your device / OS / Evernote version" on speed-dial...)

Thinking about your suggestion - would it be more sensible to divide the topics into different operations rather than products?  Off the top of my head that might be:

  • Installing / Uninstalling: Versions
  • Authentication - opening the app and logging in
  • Editing/ Creating Notebooks & Notes - attaching content
  • Exporting/ Printing Notes
  • Organization - Calendars & Task Management
  • Appearance - line spacing, thumbnails, styles
-feel free to add more suggestions if I missed anything.
Or should there be something else?
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  • Level 5

Currently it is desktop and web only. They say they are working on mobile, so probably we will see it there as well.

You can collapse lists as well. You can’t include lists into a TOC.

It still is not recommended to create very long notes. Performance and handling is better when notes are kept shorter. It’s called a note, not a novel.

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