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Evernote Windows Desktop Version 10.81.4 does not load - Get pop up box error 1073741819

Go to solution Solved by Chronopolize,

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For nearly a month now and many service requests to Evernote customer service, I still cannot get the Desktop PC version of 10.81.4 to load and get the error message pop up box: "Something went wrong on our end, sorry about that. Please try restarting Evernote. Exit Code: 1073741819".  I re-start, I re-boot my PC, I delete everything using the Revo Uninstaller and it still will not start.  I've followed all of the instructions below several times from Evernote customer service:

Here are some steps you can follow:

1.      Check your notes on Evernote Web: First, make sure all your important notes are safe and accessible on Evernote Web. You can do this by logging into Evernote on your web browser and checking if everything looks okay.

2.      Open File Explorer: This is where you can navigate through your computer's files and folders. You can usually find it by clicking on the folder icon on your taskbar or by searching for "File Explorer" in the search bar.

3.      Find the %AppData% folder: In File Explorer, you'll want to search for a folder called "%AppData%". You can do this by typing "%AppData%" (without quotes) into the address bar at the top of File Explorer and hitting Enter.

4.      Locate and delete the Evernote folder: Inside the %AppData% folder, you should see a folder named "Evernote". Delete it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Delete". This will remove any leftover files from Evernote on your computer.

5.      Download and install Revo Uninstaller: Revo Uninstaller is a helpful tool that can make sure all traces of Evernote are removed from your system. You can download it from https://www.revouninstaller.com/start-freeware-download-portable/, and then install it.

6.      Reinstall Evernote: Once Revo Uninstaller has finished removing Evernote, you can reinstall it by downloading the latest version from our website: https://evernote.com/download.

 It's not on my end, it's on Evernote's end and they fail to do anything about it, except re-sending me the same above instructions that do not work.

Before this version, I've never had any problems with many Evernote updates  on the same desktop Windows 10 PC.  Has anyone else experienced this and how to fix it because I'm not getting anywhere with Evernote to provide a solution on THEIR END? Thanks, Vince 

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  • Level 5

We had some reports in other threads about connection problems. We could establish that it may be the DNS resolver on some providers networks may create a false result, which prevents connecting.

To see if you are affected you can avoid your ISPs DNS resolver. One way to achieve this is by using a VPN to a VPN provider from your device. Another can be to set up a personal hotspot on a mobile device, and connect throughout mobile network instead of by landline. A third (if you are computer literate) is to force the use of another DNS resolver, like Cloudflare, Quad9 or Google .

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Thanks for taking the time in answering.   I don't understand after several years of other Evernote version updates,  with my Windows 10, exact same PC, that I've never encountered such a problem.  When the pop up box "Something went wrong on our end, sorry about that. Please try restarting Evernote. Exit Code: 1073741819",  the Evernote home screen does appear in the background, looking like normal, except a few seconds later this pop up error box appears.  If I don't click on the "quit" or "re-start" links in the pop-up box, but instead click on the Evernote left side Notebook I call "Inbox," the green Evernote spinning wheel just keeps spinning indefinitely making  Evernote non-usable. - VM

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Hello Marsay, that is the exact same error message 1073741819 pop up box I've experienced the past 4 weeks after, like you, uninstalling and installing the latest version of Evernote at least 12 times!!!.  I'm a long time paid user, yet Evernote Customer Service takes several days to respond to my problem compared to prior to new ownership I would always receive a response to any problem within 24 hours.  I'm still waiting and no response.  When Evernote does respond I get the same instructions as listed in my first post at the very top of this thread.  If I ever get Evernote Desktop Windows 10 version working, I'll post the solution here.  Thanks for sharing your post of the similar problem. - VM

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  • Level 5

To check if it is a network problem, the easiest way is to open a hotspot on your phone, and connect the PCs WiFi to it.

Problem is gone - network issue. Can be local, like the router, or a local DNS resolver like a Pi-Hole. Or with your ISP. You never know if they change anything on their side - actually the change stuff all of the time. You just won’t notice it, usually.

Problem persists - check your own device. Firewall, security software, other software controlling connections. We had a case reported where the computer was a work PC - the MDM device management stopped the connection.

It usually is not the EN server …

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Thanks again PinkElephant for taking the time and offering corrective actions.   I just downloaded the latest version of Evernote Version 10.82.1 to my 2016 Asus Zenbook (Windows 10) laptop from the same WiFi home connection to my router and same ISP used by my Desktop that's had the problem.  I only use the laptop PC when travelling and haven't used it in 3 weeks until today.   It was a seamless error free download, just by clicking download and then the setup file and it automatically worked without me having to do anything else, just like it worked for years on my desktop. My home Wifi uses the same Firewall and security software as the desktop PC.

I tried connecting the desktop PC to the home Wifi (same router and ISP), but I could not connect to the hotspot on my iPhone.  I then tried a wired (lightning - USB) cable connection from the desktop PC to my iPhone hotspot and it still would not connect to the internet. All my other desktop PC apps work fine connecting to the internet from my ethernet connection (same router and ISP). - VM


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  • Level 5

This really points to a networking issue on that specific PC.

And that’s where it ends for me - I am on Mac since 2019, and not really up to the mysteries of Windows PCs any more. One great thing about the Mac is that it is pretty safe without loading it with a ton of security apps. This makes troubleshooting much easier - if there is trouble to shoot, which is the exception.

But if that PC has difficulties no matter which network is offered, it really looks like the networking on that machine is botched, somehow.

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Thanks a million again, PinkElephant, for helping with troubleshooting and pointing to the problem as a network issue on my desktop PC.  As much as I love Mac, iPhone, iPads and other Apple products, I'm in the Windows world due to the nature of my job.   Thanks very much! - VM

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Yes I am getting the same exact error and can't figure out how to deal with it. The desktop version on my mac has become completely unusable. Quitting, restarting and reinstalling don't do anything. I'm at the point where I may consider switching to another software because this is cramping my workflow. BTW - I have a MAC, not a PC... this must be a universal Evernote problem.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 5.54.31 AM.png

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Hi akb,

I agree with you that this is a problem on the Evernote side, because I've never, ever had such a problem with many updates over the years with the same PC, router and ISP.  I'm not giving up yet as I have too much invested in Evernote since 2010, so I'll just keep the customer service ticket open and keep repeating my request for fixing the problem until they take this seriously and come up with a solution.

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  • Level 5

We had hints in another thread that erasing all cookies and website date for evernote.com in the Chrome browser unlocked the login of the EN app.

For me this is hearsay, I don’t use Chrome at all. If you do, it might be worth a try.

 Beside this there are some very simple tests you can perform to isolate the problem:

Can other devices on the same local network (either connected by LAN or WiFi to the same router) access EN ? No ? Then it is a network issue, like your local firewall or your ISP. Sometimes it helps to change the DNS resolver, like going to, or

Yes, other devices can reach EN, but not this one PC ? Then try to connect it through another network. The easiest solution is often using a personal hotspot from your phone. Working now ? Network of this PC. Can’t connect - problem on this PC, likely a firewall or security software.

We have had server outages with EN, but they usually didn’t last more than a few minutes.

The connection problems are practically never caused by EN, and support can only help you to sort out your own local problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Marsay, thanks for your suggestion. I did clear all cookies and browsing and it did not work for me.  I still receive the same popup box error 1073741819.  Evernote customer service has still not answered by request to address the problem, so after using Evernote since 2010, time to start looking for alternatives. 

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, Vince Mauceri said:

time to start looking for alternatives. 

Sorry to hear that - have you tried uninstalling your current installed app with Revo Uninstaller Free,  powering the device off and on again and then downloading and installing the current version from Evernote.com?  We're up to 10.84 these days - things may have changed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been experiencing the same error message for over a month on the Desktop. The REVO uninstaller and updated version install fix does not work. The following chunkload errors appear on the client app after a prolonged stalled load. 

EVERNOTE...please fix this ASAP.



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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Angel Ted said:

EVERNOTE...please fix this ASAP.

Hi.  We're not Evernote - mostly other users here;  contact Support if you believe this is an Evernote fault.  However if you have genuinely Revo uninstalled the previous application and downloaded a fresh version it would seem most likely that it is something about your system that is preventing the installation.  What's your device and OS version,  and how much free local storage space do you have?

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Appreciate the response....there were no problems until an upgrade. As noted the Revo install and fresh install did not work - - and others have experienced the same issue.

Windows 11 and +300 GB.....

Playing with the Registry is just waiting for Murphy's Law to happen.....but it still didn't work.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  Win 11 and no issues here...  I'd definitely recommend contacting Support.  Extreme patience will be required,  and please respond to any automatic responses you get.  Meantime hopefully you still have access to the web and mobile clients?

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Posted (edited)

Hi Angel Ted,

I've also done the Revo uninstaller and updated version of EN and problem still persists.   Would you mind contacting Evernote Support and provide them with those "chunkload errors appear on the client app after a prolonged stalled load"?   I have so many emails to Evernote Support that are largely ignored (they must think I'm making this up or I'm a Pain-in-the-_ss) or they just keep repeating the same solutions (Revo uninstaller) that do not work.  Much appreciated - thanks, VM.

P.S. In the meantime I've been using the web version of EN, which is not an appropriate solution.

Edited by Vince Mauceri
forgot an important point.
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Good Day

I submitted to EN official support and received an auto-response to provide a try to the reset routine. They suggested that I had already tried and noted in the original contact.

After replying to obtain a human intervention, the next response was that "developers are prioritizing the investigation accordingly."...which is still unsatisfactory as they already posted a specific process to deal with an identified major problem and have not responded appropriately to your shared concerns.

Instead of creating a fix-it patch upgrade, the new owners' uninstall reset solution", which involves tampering with the registry, represents a major risk, potentially causing client side system operating and other damages. 

I am waiting for the follow up and if not satisfactory, will take some next steps.

In what legal jurisdiction to you reside? State/Province and Country


Angel Ted

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  • Solution
On 3/21/2024 at 9:53 AM, Vince Mauceri said:

For nearly a month now and many service requests to Evernote customer service, I still cannot get the Desktop PC version of 10.81.4 to load and get the error message pop up box: "Something went wrong on our end, sorry about that. Please try restarting Evernote. Exit Code: 1073741819".  I re-start, I re-boot my PC, I delete everything using the Revo Uninstaller and it still will not start.  I've followed all of the instructions below several times from Evernote customer service:

Here are some steps you can follow:

1.      Check your notes on Evernote Web: First, make sure all your important notes are safe and accessible on Evernote Web. You can do this by logging into Evernote on your web browser and checking if everything looks okay.

2.      Open File Explorer: This is where you can navigate through your computer's files and folders. You can usually find it by clicking on the folder icon on your taskbar or by searching for "File Explorer" in the search bar.

3.      Find the %AppData% folder: In File Explorer, you'll want to search for a folder called "%AppData%". You can do this by typing "%AppData%" (without quotes) into the address bar at the top of File Explorer and hitting Enter.

4.      Locate and delete the Evernote folder: Inside the %AppData% folder, you should see a folder named "Evernote". Delete it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Delete". This will remove any leftover files from Evernote on your computer.

5.      Download and install Revo Uninstaller: Revo Uninstaller is a helpful tool that can make sure all traces of Evernote are removed from your system. You can download it from https://www.revouninstaller.com/start-freeware-download-portable/, and then install it.

6.      Reinstall Evernote: Once Revo Uninstaller has finished removing Evernote, you can reinstall it by downloading the latest version from our website: https://evernote.com/download.

 It's not on my end, it's on Evernote's end and they fail to do anything about it, except re-sending me the same above instructions that do not work.

Before this version, I've never had any problems with many Evernote updates  on the same desktop Windows 10 PC.  Has anyone else experienced this and how to fix it because I'm not getting anywhere with Evernote to provide a solution on THEIR END? Thanks, Vince 

Uninstalling, then deleting AppData's evernote updater and the entirety of AppData/Roaming/Evernote worked for me. Revo Uninstaller wasn't needed.

version 10.87.6

OS: Windows 10 Pro



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Hi Chronopolize and thank you very, very, very much!!   Your solution worked!!!!!!!!!!   For months I've waited for a solution and here you're more the expert than the Evernote Support team!!  They could learn something here.

As I suspected all along, Revo Uninstaller never worked and and I did not want to tinker with local DNS revolver, network, ISP, registry changes, etc. as I'm not competent to risk causing more problems.  Chronopolize's solution of "Uninstalling, then deleting AppData's evernote updater and the entirety of AppData/Roaming/Evernote" worked easily - just have to be patient.

A few more tips I experienced from the great solution from Chronopolize are as follows:

  • It takes several minutes (over 20 minutes when I did it) to delete the Evernote folder (within AppData/Roaming), so please be patient and wait until all deleted files are  automatically moved to the Recycle bin.
  • Make sure you're logged in as "Administrator" in Windows 10 or the Evernote folder cannot be deleted.  I received a Windows 10 warning box advising me of this.

Thank you again, Chronoplize for the excellent easy workable solution! - Vince M.

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