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Constant issues with Mac update

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I'm using Evernote 10.76.2 on Mac, and just today, I noticed the format is completely messed up (see screenshot). 

Is anyone else experiencing this? This happens every month or so: an update is pushed, a nice UI randomly changes, and all my notes are messed up with unaligned tables. This is NOT happening on iOS or Windows...



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  • Level 5

Just tried on my MBP 14" M2 Max, MacOS 14.3.1.

On Home some widgets seem to overlay. I can scroll the lower while it is overlaved by another. It is not what I expected, but it is working rather smooth, and feels logical when I use it. So maybe just another effect from the new UI, who knows.

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  • Level 5

Could you explain why you hijack a thread, instead of opening your own ?

If you read into the posts in this thread, you see it has only a remote connection to your question. So stop posting where it doesn’t belong.

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@plancktime I am also bothered by how many issues I have with Evernote, but I've been a user since 2012 and have not found a better alternative. Notion could be better, but I haven't tried it out. I think Evernote is great, but constantly fixing what isn't broken is very frustrating. 

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  • Level 5*
19 hours ago, benmarullo said:

I am also bothered by how many issues I have with Evernote


2 hours ago, plancktime said:

I came here for solutions to similar problems

Yet neither of you has mentioned an actual problem related to the Mac app - which this thread is about.  Evernote versions have gone up to 10.78 since the post,  so if you are having issues,  please update to the latest app from Evernote.com (the Store apps run behind) and post any queries in the correct thread or start a new one.

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Yeah - that's what I was thinking. I think the initial post is a complaint mostly about the UI revamp, but initially it came across to me as an issue with the software not updating vs a dislike for the UI (of which I have a few complaints myself). @benmarullo - see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good

I'm also still an old version* of Evernote 10 on Windows so I didn't get the UI revamp, but I have it on both my Macs. The UI revamp hasn't come to mobile yet.

* Somehow it got stuck on 10.62.5 and I'm going to leave it there for as long as I can 😃

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1 hour ago, Boot17 said:

Yeah - that's what I was thinking. I think the initial post is a complaint mostly about the UI revamp, but initially it came across to me as an issue with the software not updating vs a dislike for the UI (of which I have a few complaints myself). @benmarullo - see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good

I'm also still an old version* of Evernote 10 on Windows so I didn't get the UI revamp, but I have it on both my Macs. The UI revamp hasn't come to mobile yet.

* Somehow it got stuck on 10.62.5 and I'm going to leave it there for as long as I can 😃

I couldn't tell whether it was an issue or just the new UI. If it's just the new UI, I am not a fan - it looks much worse than before. I've updated it to 10.78.2 and it still looks worse, and my tables are all messed up in every note. 

2 hours ago, gazumped said:


Yet neither of you has mentioned an actual problem related to the Mac app - which this thread is about.  Evernote versions have gone up to 10.78 since the post,  so if you are having issues,  please update to the latest app from Evernote.com (the Store apps run behind) and post any queries in the correct thread or start a new one.

The problem is the crappy UI update. Your comment is not helpful

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When they rolled out the UI revamp (starting back in like version 10.72 -- but the version wasn't the only thing that mattered, there was a "switch" on the server side that was flipped on accounts gradually over several weeks), they created huge increases in paddings and other issues.

All three of those are comments by me with regards to ways the tables were messed up for me. The huge padding has been fixed for me in 10.78.2, but the offset on selecting the rows still persists, but I'm sure they'll fix it at some point.

I don't use the "Home" view much so I don't notice what issues for me there would be there.

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The price didn't deter me so much (I'm on at the $129 Personal, but I got it for 40% off this year -- so around $85 I think), but the UI revamp rollout gave me a bit of whiplash and I haven't been too keen on some of the direction and feature implementations in general. Not that they are so bad necessarily, but for me it wasn't as good a fit. But the upcoming collapsible headers and bullet lists and toggle commands are going to be useful for me.

The UI revamp got me re-looking heavily into Obsidian again. I still really like Evernote and I think they've fixed the things about the UI revamp rollout that bothered me the most so I'm looking to see how to keep Evernote into my workflow while perhaps using it more as a filing cabinet and using Obsidian for most of the day to day note taking and productivity work. I'm not sure.

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