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Hello, when I use a search bar and try to find a link that is placed in one of my notes, I face a problem that it cannot be found. For example, I want to find a note that have this link "https://www.cettire.com". If I type a word "cettire", it cannot be found but if I type in a search bar "www.cettire" or even "https://www.cettire", then it works fine. Why is this happing, can you fix it?


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Sorry, cannot reproduce your problem. It works correct even if I use exactly your text as an example note...

EN strips all special characters from text before indexing it to support later searches. When searching, the same is done: All special characters are removed from a search string to enhance search results.

If you have "https://www.cettire.com" within you text, you can find "https", "www", "cettire" and "com" only. If you are searching for "https://www.cettire" you search for "https" AND "www" AND "cettire". In both cases, you should find your note with no problem.



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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  Currently on Win 11 - 10.77.3 desktop,  and I do get the same behaviours;  searching for just "cettire" fails,  but "www.cettire" is found.  I think maybe "." and "_" are considered characters in a string,  so Evernote can't find the middle terms.

However...  It's possible to filter for notes containing URLs - which includes the note with that test phrase.  And if I then search for "cettire",  that note is highlighted in the list.

This is one of those "feature not a bug" things that - if it's important to your workflow - you need to find a way to work around.

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Hello, thank you for your answer, unfortunately that workaround that you suggested didn't work for me. Can you please have a look, maybe I am doing something wrong.

1. First I filter my notes with URL filter, I see the list of notes with links, one of them is the one I will be searching for in the next step. 


2. Then I type in "cettire" and nothing is found 



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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  Sorry that didn't work for you.  You're not doing anything differently that I can see.  You could try signing out of Evernote and unticking 'save my data on this device',  then power off and back on and sign back in to rebuild your search index,  and/ or raise this with Support who may have other suggestions...

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1 hour ago, TestUser77 said:

Hello, thank you for your answer, unfortunately that workaround that you suggested didn't work for me. Can you please have a look, maybe I am doing something wrong.

For me at least, Evernote is currently very fussy about the order that you search and filter. You must search first and then filter. That could be a problem for you if you are not finding the correct note with the  search.  You could try the advanced search syntax version of filter and do it all in one go

cettire contains:url

One thing to be aware of, in my experience at least, is that if you filter then search you might think it is working even though it is not. The behaviour depends on the type of filter.

  • For a tag the screen seems to refresh, as if you have modified the list of notes, but in fact the list remains the same. Searching again (click in the search field and press enter) then clears the filter and just searches for the search term added.
  • For a url I just get complete rubbish.
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On 2/26/2024 at 5:35 AM, Mike P said:
cettire contains:url

Thank you for your advice, unfortunately it didn't work for me either. And thank you for sharing your experience of searching, it is useful to know about the importance of order in searching. 


I think this is a reason why it doesn't work. And I hope Evernote can solve this problem in the nearest future.

On 2/23/2024 at 11:01 AM, gazumped said:

I think maybe "." and "_" are considered characters in a string,  so Evernote can't find the middle terms.


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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, TestUser77 said:

And I hope Evernote can solve this problem in the nearest future.

That's one of those 'feature not a bug' situations - best raise it with Support (I know...) but don't expect a quick fix. :(

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