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cost explosion & limited free version

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hello all!

I writing this post to express my disapointment about the crazy cost explosions for the evernote subscribtion plans (rising by 300% over only 2 years!) and the radical cuts to the free version (making it virtually useless).

seriously considering leaving evernote (after 10 years intense and daily use ) :/

How are you dealing with these radical changes?

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  • Level 5*
18 hours ago, photonflux said:

How are you dealing with these radical changes?

The Forums are mainly other users,  so we're either accepting the increase on a subscription that hasn't changed for the last 5 years or looking for another provider.  If you wish to protest the change please contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true  - use the issue type "Account"

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  • Level 5

If your subscription has been rising by 300%, you are either on a weak currency requiring adaptation, or on an old, grandfathered subscription, or both.

Yes subscription prices have risen after several years of staying flat. Yes the grandfathered subscriptions are abandoned. Yes the Free plan (that was inviting freeloaders) has been trimmed to a trial.

You find value in using EN, then you continue. You don’t, then you take your content and leave.

This decision is up to you.

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9 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

If your subscription has been rising by 300%, you are either on a weak currency requiring adaptation, or on an old, grandfathered subscription, or both.

Yes subscription prices have risen after several years of staying flat. Yes the grandfathered subscriptions are abandoned. Yes the Free plan (that was inviting freeloaders) has been trimmed to a trial.


Well, this sounds like AI generated advocacy.

I have been using Evernote since the very beginning (about 2008), recommended it to many fellow students and co-workers. I have had a paid subscription for many years and was satisfied with what I got.

My currency exchange rate has actually improved in the last year, but subscription price has risen by 44% for the last year and now Evernote is suggesting I pay 250% more for basically the same service, calling it by different name and, to sweeten the pill, offering features I don't need and won't use. You may call it "grandfathered subscription". I call it corporate extortion.

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  • Level 5*
14 hours ago, macminer said:

Well, this sounds like AI generated advocacy.

Hi.  It's not;  if you go through the process of downgrading your account to Basic (i.e. 'free') you'll likely get some discount offers for the next year's subscription to soften the blow,  but Evernote has to deal with real-world operational costs - and updating a lot of infrastructure to improve security, stability and performance.

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  • Level 5
15 hours ago, macminer said:

Well, this sounds like AI generated advocacy.

Oh, I get my intelligence acknowledged. So far, so nice.

But it‘s neither artificial (maybe more animalistic ?) nor am I an advocate (unless you are looking for devil’s advocate).

If you don’t like a price, don’t buy the product. It’s that simple. I rather prefer that EN get‘s on a sustainable course than watching it fail and fold completely.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Level 5

You got an email 4 weeks in advance - enough time to first get embarrassed, the check for options and then take action.

If you didn’t see it, check your Inbox (people don’t read their emails …), check your Spam folder or check if the email address in your EN account settings is still valid.

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13 hours ago, PlumFairy said:

Just had my auto-renew membership and freaked out at the huge cost hike.  How is that possible justified.  Its robbery.  I'll have to start hunting around for an alternative

Often, if you start the process to cancel your subscription, you will be offered a discount for another year to stay, buying you more time to find an alternative or make a decision to stay.

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