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Unable to Create new notes

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I'm on the latest versions of Evernote PC, Web, and Android. I'm unable to create a new note by any means. This has been ongoing for days now.

On PC and Web, clicking on the New Note button just makes the screen flicker for a second and then nothing. The ability to create a new Task works fine in both instances. On Android, creating a new note brings me to a blank, inoperable screen. I've done complete uninstalls for both PC and Android with the same issue.

I also tried reinstalling the webclipper extension on chrome, edge, and firefox without any luck. I get errors such as "Too many resources Page has too many resources, max is 1000" on web pages I've clipped before without issue and on sites with only basic text on it (ie, there is not "too many resources" on the page).

I've held off on upgrading all my Evernote apps to these latest versions because of how terrible they are compared to the legacy versions, but since syncing was ceased for me last week I was forced to update. But now I have shiny new, less capable apps, that can't even perform their most primary function (create a note).


PS: I would have made a ticket but the help section said support is down and suggested the forum.

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  • Level 5

Support is not down, only the support chat function is currently disabled. But waiting time for tickets is quite long, 10 days and more.

Which versions of the app do you have installed ? Make a list please. Note as well whether it's from a Store, or the direct download.

On the web client: Are these settings enabled: Account settings, page 1: Evernote Web - New Client; page 2: Web Client - v10+ Checkbox enabled ?

About clipping: It uses a completely different process, through the API. We skip this for now, let's focus on the note creation.


You may think about the new apps whatever you think - but refrain from steady comments about what you like or not, if you want things sorted out. I will not read through a lot of text, just to shed the facts from the opinion(ing).

v10 works fine for me, since 3 years now (ok, the first 3 months were bumpy).

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  • Level 5

OK, this looks good. Desktop below 10.60 is already deprecated, so it's necessary to ask.

The easiest option to troubleshoot something like this is to log out of the account on all clients. Then quit them all. On the browser, delete all website data for Evernote.com. Or use another browser for the next login.

Now start the client on just one device (probably the web client, since it works directly on the server copy), and log in there.

Then try again to create a new note.

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I Signed out of everything and even revoked access to my apps. Cleared the three browser's evernote data. Logged back into a fresh install of chrome with no luck. Still no change in behavior with Firefox and Edge either.

FWIW, I have already disabled my ad blocker previously even though I didn't think this was the problem since the create new Task function/popup was working as intended.

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  • Solution

 Evernote Personal.

I just did the math (Total notes + Trash) equaled precisely 100k, then found out about the total note limitation for the first time!

Thought clearing out my trash and getting my note total under the 100k cap would do the trick. But now, when I click new note, the green loading semi-circle appears and just keeps "thinking".


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  • Level 5

Yes, the limitation has been there all of the time.

Three methods to avoid it:

1) House keeping, deleting old stuff

2) Merging of notes - say instead of one per bank receipt, you merge all bank account documents of a year into a single note.

Usually there are use habits that create a lot of small, related notes. These are the easiest to merge.

3) Export older stuff you still want to keep into ENEX files, and save them as files in longtime storage.

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After doing another refresh/clearing everything again: The web clipper facially works - it goes through the motions and appears to save the clip, but it does not appear in my evernote even after a reload of the Evernote apps.

The same goes for saving a article from my Feedly to evernote. Web App and PC App: Still unable to create a new note. It just spins the green 'thinking' semicircle.

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  • Level 5

Have you already reduced the note count ?

Make first sure the changes have synced to the server, and after this to all clients on your account. This may take a little if you touched a lot of notes, for example by merging, trashing or exporting.

Only after all clients have updated to the latest, expect normal operations to resume.

Same with web clipper: It can't create notes through the API while EN is still crunching to process the changes.

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Wouldn’t be surprised if there is some backend process that runs periodically to check note count and enable/disable creation of new notes. So maybe try deleting a bunch of old notes (and emptying trash) and waiting 24 hrs to try again. In the meantime repurpose an old note instead of creating new. 

This probably doesn’t happen to often but a better user experience would obviously be a message box that says the limit is reached vs silently failing. 

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  • 1 month later...

I've got 25 notes and still can't add any more!

I logged out/gone back in.

The limitation message came up about a week ago - I had no notification that anything was changing. Still, I have deleted over 2000 redundant notes, now have 25 but still can't add any. Any tips would be appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

 Starting today, Evernote does not perform the following functions: opening a new note, emptying trash, moving notes between notebooks and remembering who I am when I open the app. It does perform searches. This is on a mac operating OS 14.0. I have deleted the app and reinstalled, but that did not fix the problem.

I've tried the same operations on a mac running 10.14 and everything worked.

Any suggestions?

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  • Level 5*
22 minutes ago, jabaron said:

Any suggestions?

Try uninstalling the existing app using Appcleaner (which reaches the files other uninstallers do not) and re-download from Evernote.com and reinstall...

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The problems with new notes, emptying trash, moving notes, and retained log-in information remain, but now I can't log in to the desktop app, either with OS14 or OS 10. I can log in EN web.


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I used the Apple approach to delete the app (i.e. through the launcher). WIll try Appcleaner.

Thanks for the suggestion.

But since EN on the older OS is having trouble, it looks like there's a broader issue.

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Gazumped's suggestion worked!

After deleted EN with AppCleaner and re-installing, EN seems to be working on my OS14 and OS10 machines.

I wonder what caused all this???

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, jabaron said:

I wonder what caused all this???

That would be the perversity of the Universe tending towards a maximum...  (Larry Niven)   :D

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