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Sidebar Partially Hidden When Window Exceeds Height of 1390px (10.65.3 & 10.66.3)

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A black area covers the bottom one-third (approximately - it varies) of the sidebar, so I can't access anything I would normally see near the bottom on the screen. This happens when the Evernote app window is taller than about 1390 pixels (like on a vertical monitor or large monitor).

[UPDATE: I originally reported this as being an issue with a vertical/portrait aspect ratio, but it's not that, it's just the height, regardless of aspect ratio. Thank you to @PinkElephant for providing that info in a reply below! I've edited this post to reflect the actual behavior.]

[I am trying to report this, but Support (currently in chaos, apparently) is missing the point (that I'm reporting a bug, not asking a question) and keeps trying to refer me to "Help and Learning." 🤦‍♀️

Windows 10
Evernote Versions
Current version:
10.66.3-win-ddl-public (20231107150540)
Editor: v176.27.0
Service: v1.78.1
  • Issue began with 10.65.3, 9 Nov.
  • Still happening on 10.66.3, 10 Nov.
Activity Log - submitted to Evernote, but not sharing here.
Occurs when ...
Window is taller than about 1390px, regardless of width, with the window maximized or not, in the Evernote app only
🆗 NOT when the window is shorter than that.
🆗 NOT in the browser (Chrome, up to date)
Internet Speed
👍 349.56 DOWNLOAD Mbps
👍 30.29 UPLOAD Mbps
✔ Closed and reopened app
✔ Shut down and restarted computer
✔ Signed out of Evernote and back in
Issue Details
  • The content in the sidebar is cut off before reaching the bottom (see screenshots, below).
  • The sidebar scroll bar hits the bottom before I can scroll down far enough to see all of my Stacks, Notebooks, or Tags (see screenshots, below). .
  • An empty black area occupies the bottom of the sidebar (see screenshots, below ).
  • The height of the black area is proportional to the height of the window - as the window gets taller, the black area covers more of the sidebar content.
⚠ The end of my ability to scroll is relative to the bottom of the sidebar content, not to however much content there is at the top. It appears it may be simply that the black area is covering the remaining sidebar content.
Steps to replicate:
1. Use an account with a lot of Stacks, Notebooks, and Tags. You will not see it if there aren't enough to go to the bottom of a tall window or beyond.
2. Size the window to be shorter than 1390px (such as on a 1920x1080 horizontal monitor), where it works normally.
3. Try expanding various things: several large Stacks of Notebooks, or the Tags section.
4. Resize the window to be taller than 1390px (such as on a 1080x1920 vertical monitor).
5. You should see the content at the bottom of the scrollbar starts vanishing, getting blocked/covered by a black area at the bottom of the sidebar.
6. Note that as the window gets taller a black area also gets taller.
7. The scrollbar will hit the bottom (unable to scroll further) before you can access all of your Stacks, Notebooks, or Tags or see Shared with Me or Trash
Workaround (kinda...)
  1. Shrink the height of the window. Now the sidebar should work correctly.
  2. Expand the Tags section.
  3. Create 20-30 bogus tags that will appear at the bottom of the Tags listing, like z01, z02, z03, etc. These will now be the things that are hidden, so you can see your actual tags above them.

Note: You still won't be able to access Shared with Me or Trash

Note the black area at the bottom of the sidebar (maximized window, 1920x1080)

Evernote Sidebar Bug - Linda Eskin.png

Edited by Linda Eskin
Correcting information (see "UPDATE") in note content
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  • Level 5

This happens with the actual desktop release on all larger sized monitors - not necessarily in portrait mode. I have my 32“ 4K in landscape orientation, and on a Mac, but still the lowest 4cm of the left panel are left blank. Below it the help and keyboard symbol are visible.

It seems there is an upper total size formte left panel now.

Contacting support is the logical next step - there is no workaround known to me.

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  • Evernote Expert
41 minutes ago, Mitchellevans said:


Two strangely unconnected contributions to unrelated threads today.

I see that you tried to open a discussion about this topic with more detail on 24 October but, so far, nobody has responded.  That probably indicates that nobody has anything useful to contribute.  I'd suggest you keep your attempts to trigger interaction in that thread. Just randomly posting will only iritate fellow users. There are few staff around.


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8 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

This happens with the actual desktop release on all larger sized monitors - not necessarily in portrait mode. I have my 32“ 4K in landscape orientation, and on a Mac, but still the lowest 4cm of the left panel are left blank. Below it the help and keyboard symbol are visible.

It seems there is an upper total size [for the] left panel now.

Contacting support is the logical next step - there is no workaround known to me.

Ooh! Right you are! Thanks!

I did a little resizing to what happened, stretching the window across three monitors, and indeed, a horizontal aspect ratio doesn't bring back the rest of the sidebar. It appears that things start falling apart as the window gets taller than about 1390 pixels. I will edit this post accordingly, and will update my Support request/bug report.

It wouldn't be *so* bad (but still unacceptable) if it worked properly within the space it occupies, but the things at the bottom become inaccessible, which is not cool.

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  • Linda Eskin changed the title to Sidebar Partially Hidden When Window Exceeds Height of 1390px (10.65.3 & 10.66.3)
13 minutes ago, MaciejS said:

@Linda Eskin did you reach out to support? Can you share how you did that? I'll do it as well. Maybe it will get resolved faster...

Good idea! It couldn't hurt to try.

I submitted it as a "Technical Issue," and for the topic I selected "Other." 

I forget how I got there, but here's a direct link to submit a support request:

Expect that you will get a helpful (+/-) boilerplate email in return asking you to

  • check your Internet connection 🤦‍♀️,
  • sign out and back in, and
  • make sure your software is up to date. (Under Help > About Evernote)
  • They will want to know the platform,
  • and will request that you sent an activity log. (Under Help > Activity Log).

Thanks! And good luck!

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