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  • Level 5

Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are basically user-to-user forums, not staffed on a regular basis by Evernote employees. They're the only ones who could tell you that. You can contact them here if you have a paid subscription: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. But if past experience with software developers of all kinds is any guide, the most you are likely to get is something like "we're working on this very diligently, and hope to have a solution soon." IOW, programmers don't promise release dates publicly, since things can go wrong in the meantime.

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Hi Dave, Many thanks for your kind welcome and reply. I only have the basic version of Evernote without subscription, so I guess I'll just have to be patient. I just find incredible that the developers can leave us unprotected and exposed when I and I'm sure many others hold sensitive information stored on this app. Anyway, I'll stop ranting now and let everyone get on with there day.

On a separate note, would you or anyone be able to tell me how to back up the basic free version of Evernote?

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  • Evernote Expert

Until the Passcode returns you can, instead, Logout so you're not entirely unprotected. It is less convenient.

You can export notebooks in the desktop apps or using third party apps such as evernote-backup.

With a Free account, if you don't currently use a desktop app, you should ensure you only have one device connected to your account.

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On 7/28/2023 at 3:34 AM, Andrew Stern said:

When will the present bug be fixed in order for me to protect all my information with a passcode to enter Evernote, which has now disappeared leaving my information vulnerable?

I do have the same issue... stressfull... 


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