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Legacy will not sync on win 7 machine

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I am using Legacy on a win 7 machine and when I try to sync I see a red exclamation mark next to the sync.  I have tried signing out and in, exiting, restarting the computer etc.  I also have v10 running on a win 10 machine and an iphone and that is working fine.  I've used Legacy on that win 7 machine for years and have never seen a sync error before.  Just wondering if this a bad prognostic indicator for Legacy in general or just something local to my particular computer.

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  • Level 5*

Well Microsoft stopped supporting win 7 some time ago,  and Evernote won't support legacy so you may never know!  It's possible that excess traffic caused a problem, but you've already been through the standard 'fixes'.  I'd give it a day or so and try again.  I do have a win 10 laptop that still runs legacy,  so AFAIK no official steps have been taken to limit things.  At least you can (presumably) still use the Web version?

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Yes, I have the web version but I also have win 10 machines running v10 (I use both concurrently for various reasons).  Anyway, the problem resolved itself after a few hours.  I was a bit concerned because anytime I see anything unusual happening on legacy I always assume it's the writing on the wall.  For various reasons, which I've elaborated elsewhere, I still use Legacy for certain tasks and so am keeping a careful eye on it.  It's becoming less important to me as I very slowly discover workarounds and hacks to those things that I don't like about v10.  For example, a few days ago I posted the solution for how to export large numbers of  files from v10 and then to batch aggregate them with Acrobat.  A use case which may not interest many but was a severe stumbling block for me with v10 (easy with Legacy).  After months of queries to tech support and the assistance of many on this forum I stumbled across the workaround.  For these reasons I feel that I will be able to free myself from Legacy very soon.

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