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(Archived) Upcoming/needed Sharing Features

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Like a lot of other people that use Evernote I have a need for Evernote in my personal life as well as my work life but I need to keep the data separate because while I want my work colleges to be able to access my work notes I do not want them to access my personal notes. Like other people on this forum I have ended up with 2 evernote accounts one for personal and one for work and use the application to access one and the web to access the other. Obviously I would like to be able to access both using the Evernote application and the new shared folders in the Mac Client is a step in the right direction however there are still a couple of features that are missing that I feel are critical to have seamless integration.

The fist is the ability to move notes between shared and non shared notebooks. When I create a note I do not want to have to think where it is going to end up. I just want to create it in my default notebook and then be able to move it to whichever notebook I want. At least from my testing there is no way currently to move notes between shared notebooks.

The second is the ability to search across all notebooks or at least across all shared notebooks. From my testing it seems that you can only search one shared notebook at a time. I currently have about 30 work notebooks. Having to search each one separately is not feasible.

I know you do not give dates on release but can you at least indicate if the ability to move notes between shared notebooks is planned and if there is a plan to allow searching across shared notebooks ??

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  • Level 5*

I think that the search grammar only allows you search one notebook at a time, shared or not; however, as you note you can search across all notebooks, and in addition, you can search across a stack of notebooks, using (I think) 'stack:"stack-name"'.


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  • 2 weeks later...

what is the search grammar for searching across all notebooks please? i have read the documentation and it simply says:

"If no notebook is given, the search will go over all of the user's active notes."

however this does not work:

notebook: "all about me"

nor does this:

notebook:"" "all about me"

please advise how to force a saved search (or any search) to all folders/all notes, thanks


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  • Level 5*

There is no way in the grammar to specify all notebooks; you may only specify a single notebook using the 'notebook:' search term. For saved searches, at least in the Windows client, the saved search takes as its context the currently selected notebook or "All Notes" if that's selected, unless the saved search has its own 'notebook:' term, in which case, that overrides the current setting. Also in Windows, searches triggered via the "ENScript shownotes /q" command appear to take all notebooks as the default context, unless the query includes a 'notebook:' term.


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is that quote from the doc also another outdated feature that has been removed?

i can't say i see the point of a saved search if it does not allow you to determine the scope of the search, but can only take a random scope based on wherever you happen to be when you click the button. sounds like another keyboard macro i have to write...


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  • Level 5*
i can't say i see the point of a saved search if it does not allow you to determine the scope of the search, but can only take a random scope based on wherever you happen to be when you click the button.


Please re-read what I said:

For saved searches, at least in the Windows client, the saved search takes as its context the currently selected notebook or "All Notes" if that's selected, unless the saved search has its own 'notebook:' term, in which case, that overrides the current setting.


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  • Level 5*

It's funny in a way, the only grouping you can't specify is All Notebooks. You can specify an individual notebook in a search, or using Stacks you can group and specify multiple notebooks in a search (can't cross stack though I suppose). Two click operation for All Notebooks would appear to be all there is.

Or, could put all your notebooks in a stack and specify that. Would sort of turn Stacks into Stack though I suppose.

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  • Level 5*
It's funny in a way, the only grouping you can't specify is All Notebooks. You can specify an individual notebook in a search, or using Stacks you can group and specify multiple notebooks in a search (can't cross stack though I suppose). Two click operation for All Notebooks would appear to be all there is.

I agree that that seems a bit inconsistent, and a way to specify All Notebooks would be useful.


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