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Personal finance control: Is there an efficient template? I wolud like to use something easy to input data and extract reports

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Hello Evernote users,


I had been using Evernote since 2014. It is a fantastic tool for personal organisation (passcodes, tips, trips, movies, .... and so on).

However I tried already different ways to control my personal finance data (budget, month budget, annual budget bills, taxes, investiments, ...)

I saw one example of template at Evernote Trainning (see attached). But it is not ergonomic at my point of view.

In my opinion this kind of template should allow user to input data (like a restaurant bill or hotel bill) in few seconds... Taking a photo or via print screen. After store this bill (by PDF) the user classify the kind of payment (travel, house, car, maintenance, taxes, ... and so on).

Moreover, I think that this template should have a specific list of accounting classes (e.g.: tax, investiment, maintenance, travel, house, cinema, market, car, restaurant, .... ) that each user could set-up... and after some monhts adding the bills, this template would show-up, easily the expenses stratification. It could sum-up by % of each account class.

Could you help-me to find-out some PERSONAL FINANCE CONTROL template?

I am sure that it exists.

I repeat. I tried to do this control n time via Excel Spreashhets but the bottlenek is the procedure of inserting data. I mean, the bills were not added at the Excel Spreadscheet.

Evernote is very easy to use, you are at the hotel reception,... you receive the hotel bill... and you can add this bill n few seconds to Evernote (by taking photo, by adding it already in PDF file).

My difficulty is to sum-up after several months the amount of each expense class.


Best regards,




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Hi.  I've been trying to find a way to 'easily' record and document spending for something like 50 years.  Still looking... 

I don't know of any specific Evernote templates that would suit your needs,  but logically the most accessible data entry is going to be via a mobile or a tablet,  and there are quite possibly budgeting applications out there if you search for them.

Evernote's main drawback in this area is that it has no maths functions,  so can't forecast or total expenditure,  though it is great to collect data through photographs of receipts and the like.

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Personally I would look for an app that allows easy grabbing of data on the fly: Receipts, scanned and OCRed with a good data extraction, manual entry, maybe even an interface to banking accounts. This should then have a companion on a desktop, for data collection and analysis. 

I can't propose a solution. The only app I use is for travel expenses only, and it will not do that job.

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31 minutos atrás, gazumped disse:

Hi.  I've been trying to find a way to 'easily' record and document spending for something like 50 years.  Still looking... 

I don't know of any specific Evernote templates that would suit your needs,  but logically the most accessible data entry is going to be via a mobile or a tablet,  and there are quite possibly budgeting applications out there if you search for them.

Evernote's main drawback in this area is that it has no maths functions,  so can't forecast or total expenditure,  though it is great to collect data through photographs of receipts and the like.

Thank you for your feedback. I am at the same status... still trying to find out something easy to input data based on photos of receipts. I do understand that Evernote is not a finantial app. However finantial apps do not have Evernote's excelent ergonomics. Search on photo based on automatically conversion of photos in OCR for instance. It would be very helpfull that Evernote develop some budget template to allow people like us, that has been looking for something simple for decades.... ans still do not found out something easy to use to set-up a budget and review it n times per year. 

Even that Evernote does not have maths functions... we are talking about just simple math operations (addition) to sum all the values, for instance that the user send from Uber app do Evernote. If we setup that this sum wolud be via "Finantion Labels"...(I am dreaming here awake...when a I wrote "Finantial Labes". But it would be very very esay for Evernote to Sum since the begging of the specific Evernote user, for instance, how much this user add as "Finantial Label: Uber", and as "Finantial Label: Restaurant", and as "Finantial Label: Gifts"; and as "Finantial Label: Rent"; and as "Finantial Label: Travel"; ....

I would like to know if there is a way to send suggestions to Evernote Development Team. Could you hep me on that? I am 'new user' here at the Evernote Forum.

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35 minutos atrás, PinkElephant disse:

Personally I would look for an app that allows easy grabbing of data on the fly: Receipts, scanned and OCRed with a good data extraction, manual entry, maybe even an interface to banking accounts. This should then have a companion on a desktop, for data collection and analysis. 

I can't propose a solution. The only app I use is for travel expenses only, and it will not do that job.

Thank you for your answer. I do know that the 'professional solution' would be signa an app of finantial control that has API with internet banking to collect data directly from my account and my credit card bill. 

I can tell that I've already tried it... however these kid of apps are so dificult to use, that is impossible to send it data easly. This kind of app shuold have the Evernote ergonomics... that allows users add notes in few seconds. 

Anyway thank you for your answer.

Best regards, Gustavo

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  • Level 5

Evernote is not really build for the collection of structured data. And it doesn't allow to export it in a way that could easily be analyzed, for example in a spreadsheet.

The app I mentioned is called "Trail Wallet". It is basic, but it does all I need on the road to collect the erroneous expenses.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, gustavo zimmermann sachser said:

I would like to know if there is a way to send suggestions to Evernote Development Team

The developers do - eventually - read posts in this forum,  so you have already made the suggestion - but for more immediate notification you could use the Feedback option in many of the applications,  or contact Support directly to ask if this is something they might consider.

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