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Evernote 10.55.2 hogs/eats all CPU constantly of one cpu-core

Go to solution Solved by hegoimse,

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Recently upgraded to EN 10.xx version/series.

When editing a note, the process starts utilizing 20-25% CPU (I guess my cpu has 4 cores, so it hogs one core),
this goes on indefinitely/forever, until I kill the process in Windows Task Manager....

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  • Level 5

Hello, and welcome to the forums. My guess would be that this has to do with Evernote's near-constant syncing of changes while you edit. I'm not an expert on today's computer hardware, but is this a problem? Does it prevent the computer from doing other things in a timely way? I haven't checked, but I assume it works much the same way for me, and the machine does not seem hampered by it.

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Thanks for replying.
Yes this is a problem.
I make one small edit in Evernote (takes a couple of seconds to do), then I leave Evernote be.
Evernote now starts using 25% cpu forever, without me using the app at all !
My computer has c:a 120 other process running which together use 10% cpu while idle, why should a single rogue Evernote idle process use 25% cpu?
This is not ok/normal!
Sure I can continue to use my computer while EN uses 25% cpu in background, but should not happen, it kills battery life...

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  • Level 5

We had a similar issue a few months ago, after an update. We as other users don’t know what happened, but on a handful of devices (from forum posts less than 10) CPU usage went up. Others like me had no issue at all.

Probably the app is crunching on a piece of indigestible data, which causes it to loop.

As a fast measure I would log out and quit the app. Then use Revo Uninstaller (from the web) to purge every part of the app: Software, settings, data.

Then restart the PC. Install again, from the EN website. Open, log in. It will now open and download a fresh copy of your data from the server. You can work right away, but leave it running in the background until it has finished downloading everything. Until then response time will be up when opening attachments.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

When you uninstall, uses software that really cleans app, settings and data from the device.

For Windows RevoUninstaller does it, for a Mac use AppCleaner. Both tools are available for free on the internet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

Excuse late reply, been gone a while....
A recent EN update to version 10.57.6 seems to have solved the issue,
cpu usage in background (not editing/using EN actively) hovers around 7-10% which is way better than 20-25% (full cpu core).

Not sure how memory usage was before, but now around 1 GB (1000 M) which is kinda enormous ... even twice as much as Microsoft Teams!

Cpu in background can drop to excellent 2% after some inactivity ... but memory usage is a bit "obscene" ...

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  • Level 5

The percentage of CPU usage is per core - 100% means an app is occupying a full CPU core, not he whole CPU.

The memory usage is quite normal for a Electron app. Electron is based on a Chrome(ium) browser. This usually occupies 700MB just for itself, without an embedded app and it’s data.

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On 5/29/2023 at 5:00 AM, hegoimse said:

Excuse late reply, been gone a while....
A recent EN update to version 10.57.6 seems to have solved the issue,
cpu usage in background (not editing/using EN actively) hovers around 7-10% which is way better than 20-25% (full cpu core).

Not sure how memory usage was before, but now around 1 GB (1000 M) which is kinda enormous ... even twice as much as Microsoft Teams!

Cpu in background can drop to excellent 2% after some inactivity ... but memory usage is a bit "obscene" ...

I've noticed also that the latest update helped with cpu usage.  It is now tolerable to work with again.

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The issue seems to be back now 😞 running 10.57.10 , using 20-25% cpu.
When quitting Evernote (incl. in system-tray, hidden-icons) , it leaves 1-2 processes continuing to hog 20-25% cpu and needs to be killed manually.

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  • 4 months later...

Doing a full uninstall and using a third party app cleaner can't be the only solution to this. I'm using Evernote on a work computer, and deleting, reinstalling and installing a third party app all needs me to raise an issue with my IT department, which is very backlogged. I suspect they'll tell me just stop using Evernote! 

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  • Level 5

Support at EN is as backlogged …

I can only tell that I run EN both on Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, and have no such issue.

Its up to you if you follow advise here - we are users and offer what we know works, but it’s your decision what to do about it. We won’t send any comments or suggestions to EN. If you like or dislike something, tell them directly.

On any work device we always tell to use the web client.

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With recent EN updates this issue has been resolved for me, previously hogged 20-25% cpu (one core) at the slightest change/edit to a note.
Never did a complete re-install of EN.
Now happily running:
10.63.4-win-ddl-public (20231006121931)
Editor: v176.13.0
Service: v1.75.5


Edited by hegoimse
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That's great to hear. My CPU spiking issues seem to have gone away too on Mac a few weeks ago, but I can't pinpoint exactly when, but I'm also pretty sure that it was from a specific release and not from uninstall/reinstall (as I had done that twice on two different machines with no improvement). Not saying that isn't a good solution for many, but for me it didn't seem to work.

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