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Mind map creating ability

Hung Nguyen


Hi everyone,

I strongly believe that Evernote should have a MIND MAP feature that allows users to create mind-map ideas, timelines, relationships, and connected events in history...
Sometimes I read books that have historical events, or information about people... I wanted to create a map about them and save them on Evernote instead of using tables and bullets because they are long and not visualized.
What do you think?

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7 replies to this idea

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Mind maps arw valuable, however I do not think EN is designed for mind maps.

For this purpose handwriting apps are a good idea like e.g. ZoomNotes, GoodNotes or Notability.

If you are not interested in handwriting apps, please check also the software TheBrain, which is designed for mind maps and comes somewhat close to Evernote.

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  • Level 5

Sketches are plain bitmaps. Once created you can’t change objects any more.

They can IMHO be used for a quick MM draft, nothing more.

Please be aware that this mind map integration has been requested several times already, without any success. Mind mappers are often very enthusiastic about the method. But they are very few - just watch at the small commercial success of other tools. It is a niche segment.

Attempts to convert EN structures into visual maps all failed miserably (Mohio Maps, Bubble Browser) and disappeared after a short existence.

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  • Evernote Expert

When I was working I was an active creator of Mind Maps.  I found that my chosen external software was faithful to the original Mind Map concept and it happened to offer a link to Evernote.  But this was nothing more than a link to the map. So clicking on that link opened the map in the native software.  The software also provided the option to export a PNG image of the map (to offer a visual view of the map) and keep a link to the master document which I stored in Google Drive (to give quick access to edit the map). 

Working in a dedicated Mind Map program was definitely superior.  I doubt that the Evernote editor would be developed to create Mind Maps.  Even as Mind Map creator I would concur with @PinkElephant that this is a niche area. Very, very, unlikely to gain traction.

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Personally I used mind maps as well mainly on the job, both manually drawn and with software. I still use SimpleMind from time to time.

Exporting a Mindmap as a static representation (like a picture or pdf) is ok for sharing. Linking would be possible as well, provided the file is saved on Google Drive. Since I am Google-free, I prefer to save the file as an attachment into a note, together with supporting information. That’s from my experience the main benefit of using EN to store such content - all necessary information can be dropped into the note or jotted down, helping a lot when I paused with a project and reopen the mindmap maybe weeks later.

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We can connect mind maps using external tools, but if evenote itself supports mind map drawing and editing, user satisfaction will greatly increase and, as a result, it will greatly help in user retention. As an Evernote user for over ten years (I can't even remember how many years), I know for sure that this is going to be groundbreaking. I'm also a software developer, so I know this is a very big task. However, it can be seen as basically the same as adding one editable content type such as 'Table'.

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