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Evernote Preview Links: Allow open in new window and option to default to title preview

Go to solution Solved by Boot17,


I love the new feature to quickly add internal links quickly without leaving the note!! (next step show backlinks or a list of other notes that link to the note you are on please).

I also love the new ability to view internal Evernote links as Previews, but have two suggested improvements:

1) Evernote Preview links do not allow you to open the other note in a new window.  The normal Command+Click does not work on those Preview Links... and clicking on the arrow only opens the other note within the same window.  On Mac, my workflow really relies on opening other notes in a new Window, so until this is fixed, I guess I will stick with text links.

2) Option for Evernote Preview Links to be Title Only:  Within the settings, I can choose to default all links to Text, Title or Preview... however for most internal links I want to use Text, so I have this set to Text.  However, if I want to convert this to a Preview Title... I need to take two steps to Convert to Preview (which defaults to the full preview), then select the option to change it to Preview Title.

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2 hours ago, aukirk said:

1) Evernote Preview links do not allow you to open the other note in a new window.  The normal Command+Click does not work on those Preview Links... and clicking on the arrow only opens the other note within the same window.  On Mac, my workflow really relies on opening other notes in a new Window, so until this is fixed, I guess I will stick with text links.

@Mike P posted the solution for Windows in another thread: shift + double click on the green header works for me (https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/144254-evernote-for-windows-1050-feedback)

So I experimented similar with Mac and it turns out that Shift-Option double-clicking on the green header will open it in a new window.

Undocumented anywhere as far as I know...

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2 hours ago, Mike P said:

personally I'm content to use a text link if I want it inline.

I would like to see the current note title of a link inline.
BG: I often change titles of notes (i.e. to reflect the current state of an action that is described within the note body). This makes it very easy to show states in note lists. If I refer to such notes from other notes, only the title of the moment I create the link is shown in a text link 😞
New Title-Only-Links do exactly what I need - but their display format is not what I (and hopefully others) want to see 🙏

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3) Preview Links (Title Only) should be displayed inline with the surrounding text (like it is already the case with text links). Currently Title-Only-Links use a new line with no possibility to add text just before or behinde the link.

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1 hour ago, AlbertR said:

Currently Title-Only-Links use a new line with no possibility to add text just before or behinde the link.

This is consistent with all other non-text objects - attachments, pictures, google links, youtube previews etc, so I can't see it changing. It would mess up the line spacing so personally I'm content to use a text link if I want it inline.

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2 hours ago, AlbertR said:

I would like to see the current note title of a link inline.

I wish that were the case too. I often change the title of a note after I've linked to it perhaps dozens of times from other notes. The new note preview solves that problem, but at the expense of the link not being able to be inline. The new note link is also not wide enough for notes with long titles and so they can get chopped off. But maybe those trade-offs are worth it for an updated title in the link.

It's an extra option in any case.

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At least it is now slightly easier to update the title of a text link by converting to a preview and back again. I still think that having the title preview box, as it is currently formatted, inline would look a mess as it is too tall to fit into a single line. It would need to be reformatted to fit into a single line of text. And then there are all the other non-text objects that can't be placed inline.

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12 hours ago, Boot17 said:

The new note link is also not wide enough for notes with long titles and so they can get chopped off.

If Title-Only-Links (or call it "life links"?) would be displayed inline, this is not a problem because inline text will be wrapped along with the window border.

To make it easier for the developers at EN: There is no need to update life links in already displayed notes (if the title gets changed in the an other window or in the background by sync activity). It is completely sufficient to use the title at the moment of a display. If a user closes a note window and redisplays it later, an updated (referenced) title will show up updated 😉

And don't argue about any performance problems to display life links: the local cache of all notes is fast enough to deliver note titles. You show this already in tooltips when hovering the mouse cursor over internal links: it always shows the current title of a referenced note 🙂

BTW: If EN needs a non-text object to implement life links, it's a design fail (completely overengineered):

  • To represent a link in HTML (and the base of formatted note text based on HTML), you use phrases like '<a href="evernote:///view/...">Text to be seen</a>'.
  • It should be possible to implement tokens inside "Text to be seen" like "?T", "?D", "?R or "?U" that are to be changed to the referenced note Title, creating Date, Reminder date or Updated date when the text is displayed 
  • Example '<a href="evernote:///view/...">?R: ?T</a>' would display the reminder time and the note title - completely inline with no further useless decoration


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