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changes lost and overwritten with old note contents

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Twice recently my note edits have been lost at sync and overwritten with an older version. I was able to look in the note history and see in the previous versions the version that I needed to restore, but this very much is not the point... this is 100% the only fundamental thing you need to get right every time, otherwise what the hell is this product??

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You presumably had the note open on more than one device,  and took some time editing one version - during which period your other device updated the 'old' version of the note back to the server,  which then replaced your current editing when the device you were using received the sync.  So: largely a self-inflicted issue.  It can be avoided by not using two devices,  or by doing any active editing in a third party word processor and copy/ pasting the end result into the updated note.

- And by the way this is (mainly) a user-supported forum;  if you have any technical issues,  please contact Support.   

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1 minute ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  You presumably had the note open on more than one device,  and took some time editing one version - during which period your other device updated the 'old' version of the note back to the server,  which then replaced your current editing when the device you were using received the sync.  So: largely a self-inflicted issue.  It can be avoided by not using two devices,  or by doing any active editing in a third party word processor and copy/ pasting the end result into the updated note.

- And by the way this is (mainly) a user-supported forum;  if you have any technical issues,  please contact Support.   

Thanks, clearly you've assumed I am a bit mentally challenged, so thanks for that, but i've been using this software for years and I know the pitfalls. I did not edit the note in 2 places at once. I edited on iOS, ensured the sync was completed (which is a pain by the way on a phone but that's a separate gripe), and then waited for the change to come down to the mac (which again is a pain as they did away with the sync button), and then later made some changes. Later still, the changes were lost. 

The means by which I edited the note is entirely supported and legitimate. Edit one, sync, sync down, edit again. Nothing wrong with that at all.

I haven't contacted support (yet) as they often fail to respond, but equally often they do reply to forum posts. 

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  • Level 5*

Hi again.  Didn't say you were actively editing on two devices,  just that Evernote was active on two devices and maybe - just maybe - the slow sync process from one to the other meant your editing got interrupted.  - If you were saying by the way that Support reply to Forum posts,  you are wrong;  they might comment on general outages but rarely if ever will they respond to a single-user issue.

Sync by the way is being actively upgraded as we speak,  and now I think of it there's a warning around about users being unable to log in for brief periods because of server maintenance - maybe the ongoing work affected your syncs too.

Apologies if my previous reply was overly condescending,  but we don't get any indication of user competence when reading a post so it's usually best to start basic.

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2 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hi again.  Didn't say you were actively editing on two devices,  just that Evernote was active on two devices and maybe - just maybe - the slow sync process from one to the other meant your editing got interrupted.  - If you were saying by the way that Support reply to Forum posts,  you are wrong;  they might comment on general outages but rarely if ever will they respond to a single-user issue.

Sync by the way is being actively upgraded as we speak,  and now I think of it there's a warning around about users being unable to log in for brief periods because of server maintenance - maybe the ongoing work affected your syncs too.

Apologies if my previous reply was overly condescending,  but we don't get any indication of user competence when reading a post so it's usually best to start basic.

mate, i just said that I ensured the sync process was complete. It has given me so many issues over the years that I have drilled it into my brain to ensure any edits are synced up and down. That said I think the way it works leaves a lot to be improved, i have just learned to cope with how rubbish it is. Every time I have raised sync with support they say the same as you just said - that it is being upgraded or improved. It should work perfectly between multiple devices providing the user is able to ensure the latest version is always the one being edited. Anyway I have raised it with support by a ticket. 

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  • Level 5

We can agree that syncing is at the heart of what EN does, and that it must work absolutely reliable.

Out of curiosity: How did you check everything had synced up and down ? There are several ways possible - maybe I can learn a new trick.

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15 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

We can agree that syncing is at the heart of what EN does, and that it must work absolutely reliable.

Out of curiosity: How did you check everything had synced up and down ? There are several ways possible - maybe I can learn a new trick.

on the iOS notes list there is a green marker against un-sync'd changes. When it disappears, it is sync'd up. On the mac, it is literally a case of waiting for the changes to visibly reflect in the client, or to be doubly sure, exit the client and reopen it. Both sync features are massively annoying as you can't force it to sync, you just have to wait until the next time it is scheduled to do it. It also doesn't flag in either the mac client or the iOS app when there are changes yet to be sync'd down. I actually hate using evernote now but i am stuck with it as i have so much stuff in there.

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  • Level 5

Hmmm - yes, sort of these are indicators.

When I want to be very sure sync has happened, I see this options:

- Upsync Client to Server: Check in the web client if the note has updated. No need to check content, if the change date & time reflects the last edit, it’s ok.

- Downsync Server to a specific client: Check on the client, again time stamp of note will do.

And I nearly never check, in fact syncing works for me, with very few exceptions. In these cases I see a duplicate notification.

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