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Numeric Keyboard Not Working When Editing Business Cards

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So, yes, the num lock is not on so I can type in numbers anywhere else. But when you are editing a Business Card you scanned with the Scannable app, in the PHONE NUMBER Field, you can only type in numbers using the keyboard numbers not the numeric keypad area. 

Did anybody experience the same issue? Can anyone replicate the issue?


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  • Level 5

When I click on "Edit" in a BC note, a window opens to edit contact data (Mac client 10.41).

In the fields there I can use any part of my Logitech Craft keyboard - it just works. But maybe this is because it is on a Mac ... 😇

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6 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Could this be a Scannable issue rather than Evernote?

Good point.

I just scanned a Business Card with the Evernote app directly. Same issue exits when you EDIT the card in the windows app for Evernote. Num pad works in every other field but the phone number field which is ironic. :) 

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  • Level 5

My scan was with the app directly. I can scan business cards with Scannable up, down and sideways - it will never view a standard layout BC as such (really nothing fancy). It just creates a note with a picture of the card.

When I create a BC note with the app, and try to type into the fields in the note directly, it will not take any input, from wherever source. It will only allow editing when I click on the contact element and then on the pencil (or edit). Then the contact data opens in a new window, with the separate fields spread out. There editing works with any keyboard element.

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