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Presentation Mode



I'm aware that presentation mode was removed with the "new mac" and "new windows" versions of Evernote, however, I cannot understand why.  Being able to present and have a mode that implements features for readability beyond just being fullscreen is vital for many's Evernote experience.  As of now, the only remnant of this feature is preserved by using the legacy version of EN, but I believe having a presentation mode should be a fully supported and regularly updated feature.

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I'm missing this feature so much as well!

It's been amazing, when turning quick notes to a small presentation for a client or business partner. @PinkElephant Although I agree, that not all users will be using the feature, I feel that it's an easy "step up" feature to pay a premium price as presentation mode is something that earning adults and knowledge workers will use the most.

I really hope to see it come back. Losing this feature made me turn away from evernote for a couple of months.

It hurt so much to see it go. 


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The "Why" is simple: Presentation mode means there is a second editor (integrated or as a separate tool) building a separate HTML code to show the presentation mode slides. I think EN had a very clear view of how many users were really employing this feature.

Furthermore there are a lot of other programs to build presentations - the slides can be embedded into a note and presented from there.

So it probably was too much effort for too small a user group, and plainly a me too product without an outstanding feature.

EN made it clear presentation mode is discontinued, and I don't think we will see it return.

However the forum is user2user, and we can't tell for sure. You can send your thoughts to EN through the feedback function.

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I discovered Presentation Mode late, and used it a few times.  It was brilliant, especially for working with other people.  But it was a very hidden feature, and most of my Evernote was working on my own.

Now I do more team working, I would find it very useful, if it was easy for Evernote to do. 

Saying 'other programs do presentations' is only a good answer if you don't mind copying and reformatting your notes - the power of Evernote Presentation mode was that you could instantly present your existing Evernote in a way that was reasonably readable for everyone, with no effort.  I'd pay for that as a Premium feature, and I wouldn't need everything that PowerPoint can do.  Even better to have a 'convert to PowerPoint' button.  

But it's far less important than OUTLINING, which is probably the longest, most called-for missing feature of Evernote.  The team's busy - do Outlining, THEN presentation mode.

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You can still use the legacy client for presentation mode, as long as it works. You just risk to sink effort once it stops working.

EN has made it clear presentation mode is permanently discontinued. I don’t expect this position to change - at least it is not worth waiting for it.

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I believe that the data showed only marginal use of Presentation mode such that it probably wasn't worth investing effort.

You could emulate presentations

Open the note in a separate window.

Layout the note so that the window contains the first slide. Carriage return until the first slide is off the top of the window the create slide 2 as so on. When presenting you should be able to move between 'slides' with the page up/down keys.

I haven't tried this but there's no reason I can think why it wouldn't work...


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