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Dollar sign not recognized in Search?

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Hi there, how do I make dollar sign be recognized in my search syntax? For e.g. I have entered some stocks I own with their ticker symbol and dollar sign before it.  However, when searching for them, the search ignores the dollar sign, even when I put the whole thing in quotes.  For e.g. consider the Citibank stock symbol C.  Because it is such a common occurrence, I have put $ infront of it with the hope that search will only pick it up instead of a bazillion notes with letter "C".  Hence $C.  However, when I search for $C, Evernote returns all notes with the letter C.  Then I put quotes around $C.  Still no bueno.  What should I be doing to make Evernote search both the characters - $C?

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  • Level 5

I have not found any reference of it in the search language documentation - but I think the "$" may be treated as a wildcard.

The $ is treated by many programs as a 1-character wildcard (standing for any 1-letter-character), whereas the "*" usually is treated as a wildcard for any number of characters.

Conclusion: I would avoid to use this character, especially at the beginning of a term like a tag or notebook.

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  • Level 5*

I agree that it would not work to have either a plain 'C' or to show it with a non-character prefix like $C.  I make my keywords non-standard by adding an x,  since that letter is rarely followed by other characters in normal text - so xC might work.  Or you could look into other options like just tagging all your stocks with <stock> and searching by that tag plus the name.

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