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Notes different on Desktop to laptop

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I have a different number of notes on my desktop to my laptop. The amount on the desktop matches the web version. The difference is 75 less on the laptop. I do have a large number of notes (desktop 21,165 laptop 21,090) so checking off each note would be extremely time consuming – Any suggestions to solve this.




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  • Level 5

Have you got notes shared to you from others ? These shares need to be activated again, once on every device, usually by looking them up in the Work Chat and click on the share message.

This did the job for me.

Else you can try to remove local data on logging out, to rebuild the local database:

  1. Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar.
  2. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Sign back in to Evernote
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I don't have any shared notes.

I tried removing the data twice once with the latest W10 version - and after nearly 4 days of downloading the data again - I was missing a few under 200 notes. I removed the latest version and reinstalled version 6.25 and spend another 4 days downloading the data - this worked better but I'm still 75 notes missing

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  • Level 5

In my case I am on the spot with all devices, and have a difference between them and legacy of exactly 1 note.

Legacy is more prone for differences, because it runs this local database. There are options to fix the database.

On v10 there are Troubleshooting options in the help menu. Not sure about a PC - on my Mac I hold down the alt/opt key before clicking on the help menu. Troubleshooting has a Reload and a Force Reload item - maybe give them a try.


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, doctorkeo said:

That is a good idea, (gazumpedbut I do know of one note that hasn't synced and tried re-editing that note to see if would then sync - it didn't. 

Sometimes a note gets corrupted in some way and won't sync - if you get something that's really obstinate,  try creating a new note and copy paste the original content from the 1st note to the second - ideally as text.  Or export the note to ENEX and then re-import;  the conversion will sort out any 'illegal' characters.

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I've tried some of the things suggested and got the difference down to 46 - I've contacted EN support, and they suggested some ideas - but none of those worked, so it is back in their court. I'll try locating the 46 notes and create new one from them to see if I can get the databases to completely agree on numbers.

Thanks for the assistance.


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