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  • Level 5

It does what it does - as long as iOS allows for it. iOS stops syncing as soon as the app is no longer the active app. Active means it must show on the device. And  the screen  must be unlocked.

To keep it syncing, switch the auto-lockscreen to never, place the app as active and let the sync run. Put the iPhone / iPad to a charger. I do this over the night.

Keeping offline synced once it has downloaded then happens on the fly.

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I did the "leave as active, screen lock off" for several nights to get the initial download done.  But now I am falling ever further behind trying to keep synced....

I think the absence of any progress indicators (the Android version at least has percentages) would help me think it is "doing something".


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  • Level 5

Depends on how much content is added, and how long the app is actively used.

I often see the green progress bar above the notes list during the day, when content has been added on another device. It usually disappears after a few seconds, while I use the app.

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  • Level 5*

I have two notebooks that are offline, maybe 10 notes combined in the two of them.  The rest pf the notes should be comprised of just metadata or whatever it is that EN stores on the IOS device.  I added some tags to a bunch, technical term for a 1000 or so, notes.  My iPad, a two year old one without a doubt, was spinning interminably.  What exactly is it syncing if little of the note content is being downloaded?  I really only have 10 offline notes, none of which were impacted by the tag maintenance.     A mystery to me.

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  • Level 5

Downloading 7.000 notes took 3 nights.

Later I learned I could have taken it easy: iOS does not search in pdf (or other) attachments when offline, only note text content or direct web clips.

Most of my content is attached pdfs, fully OCRed. Even this doesn’t help with searching.

Even low expectations can be too high …

But OK, we have a train strike at the moment over here. Maybe they stop the trains long enough for EN to add pdf offline search before we can travel again 😷

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Yes, same issue of tortoise speed sync. 
Signed out and signed in again same thing. Moreover, also obliged to sign out once a week and sign in again.
Not user friendly, should not have to deal with this kind of shortcoming.



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I reached out to Customer Support and they acknowledged there was an issue, no ETA on a fix but "at least they acknowledged it was an issue" (insert standard rant about software companies layering new features while base functionality is broken).

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  • Level 5*

Meanwhile I get a marketing 101 email. The clip is from a forward to a fellow long time user sent as a giggle.

I don't know, at this point I may work/think faster than EN V10, and I am no genius.  I was wondering per the email how to make Evernote V10 think faster? 

Snarky I know, forgive me, but the email  just hit my funny bone.  Still on 6.25.1 which seems to be able to stay ahead of me. IAC, no lags and pauses causing the ADD to wander off and watch butterflies....  🤣



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