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New scanned documents go to the wrong notebook

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I just updated to 10.16.7 on a Windows desktop.  Prior to the update, when I scanned a document, it would appear in whatever notebook I had open in the program. Since the update, document appear in my default notebook, and then I have to manually move them to the notebook that I want them in...frustrating.  How can I revert to the old way of documents appearing in whichever notebook is open?

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  • Level 5


AFAIK there was no change in the way EN v10 treats the notebook selection for scanning.

What has changed is the import folder function. Maybe this interferes with it.

You could ask support about it.

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  • Evernote Expert

This experience has been true since the arrival of v10  Scanning always goes to the default notebook in v10 unless your scanner program is capable to giving you a different option. In the legacy version it scanned to the currently selected notebook.

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If the Scanner is able to handle different profiles, you could try this:

  1. Set up one import folder per notebook where you want to send scans. Link each folder to the appropriate notebook.
  2. Create „Scan to folder“ profiles, one for each import folder / target notebook
  3. Select the profile belonging to the targeted notebook, scan. Import folders will send the scanned file into the notebook, creating a note.
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You can have this preselection by import folders, or you get them all send into your default notebook. These are the options in v10.

Or you install the legacy client, and work as before.

Everything beyond these existing options should be discussed with support.

Personally I doubt EN will redesign things they intentionally build the way they are now just because a small number of users want to continue to work as they did in legacy. EN probably has enough pending work with the new clients than to start a little reverse engineering.

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I came across this topic and I am trying to understand. I have both versions of Evernote installed on my Windows 10 laptop. On my hard drive, I have a folder titled "add to Evernote". When I scan into this folder, and then open the older version of Ev, it scans that folder copies everything to the cloud and then delete the originals from my hard drive.


Sounds like you guys are talking about something different. In the legacy version, are you saying there is a way to scan directly into Evernote and have that scan go into whichever notebook is currently open?

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Pinkelephant, if I understand you correctly, you are saying that it is impossible for me to scan directly into my chosen notebook.  My only options are to change scanner profiles with each scan or manually move the document to the correct notebook after each scan ( I use 4 notebooks about equally, so 75% of the time the default notebook will be the wrong one).  Either of these options adds a step or two to most of my scans.  

Downgrading to the unsupported legacy version for the rest of eternity seems like a poor solution.  Is there no other way for me to maintain my current workflow?

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  • Evernote Expert
9 hours ago, chanlips said:


Downgrading to the unsupported legacy version for the rest of eternity seems like a poor solution.  Is there no other way for me to maintain my current workflow?

The short answer is no. The longer answer is possibly if your scanner software might allow. The legacy is an option for the time being and perhaps further improvements will arrive before it ceases to work.

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  • Level 5

For my day to day scanning (a page here, 2 pages there) I use the ScannerPro app on my iPhone. A pdf (or picture file) is created, the pdf is OCRed right away.

The app allows to define workflows, that have a target application, a defined notebook and predefined tags. I scan, I enter a name for the  scan (which will become the note title) and I click on the workflow. All the rest happens automatically.

I have in total 8 workflows that cover more than 80% of my scanning tasks. It is more efficient than anything in the EN-own ecosystem, and for small scanning volumes more efficient than my ix500.

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  • 2 months later...

Beth, after working on this problem for a while with EN tech support, they finally suggested that the new version of EN cannot do what I wanted it to do, and suggested that I go back to the Legacy version.  Which I did.  It's a sub optimal solution, but it seems to be all that EN has to offer currently.

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  • Evernote Expert
6 hours ago, Beth Sigg said:

As noted above, all of my scans go into the default notebook, which I then move into the correct notebook. 

The "move" function has stopped functioning so the scans cannot be moved. 


Any advice? 


You might need to give a little more detail. Which version of Evernote (including is it the Windows Store version or direct download). What brand/model of scanner do you use? How do you attempt to perform the 'move'?

Scanning in version 10 always goed to the default notebook and I can always change the notebook it is stored in.

I open the note, type Alt+Shift+M (or tap on notebook at the top of the note pane) and select the new destination notebook. The 'move' happens immediately.

If this doesn't work for you then you might do a full uninstall and removal of Evernote 10. Then reinstall.  Do the uninstall using an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstaller or check and delete the data and program directories before reinstalling.


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