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Some notes are not displayed when filtered by tag(Android)

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I find notes by filtering by tags.

However, even if 10 notes have the same tag, only a few will be displayed in the search results.



Tag name : shop

Notes : 10

Filter result : 3 notes



 I think it is a bag. Please fix the bug soon.


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I can confirm that tag search is still broken for Android client.

Usually tag search works correctly for a period after the app is updated, clear all data (complete reset of app state) or post full text search.

It is as if search only works against a temporary cache built up and cleared out periodically.

Just got auto-updated to 10.11 through Google Play and now tag search works correctly.

However I expect it to be broken again later once the temp cache expires.

Can anyone else share experience doing tag search on Android?

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On 6/12/2021 at 5:35 PM, Surya Halim said:

I can confirm that tag search is still broken for Android client.

Usually tag search works correctly for a period after the app is updated, clear all data (complete reset of app state) or post full text search.

It is as if search only works against a temporary cache built up and cleared out periodically.

Just got auto-updated to 10.11 through Google Play and now tag search works correctly.

However I expect it to be broken again later once the temp cache expires.

Can anyone else share experience doing tag search on Android?

I have exactly the same problem

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  • Evernote Expert

I have the same problem too. I find that restarting the phone helps it find more tags.

Acually, I don't think it's just tags. It seems to have trouble finding and displaying notes when the phone has been on for a while


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25 minutes ago, ballantony said:

I have the same problem too. I find that restarting the phone helps it find more tags.

Acually, I don't think it's just tags. It seems to have trouble finding and displaying notes when the phone has been on for a while


A while is roughly 1 day for me.

It is curious as to how search by tag is implemented. Feels like it is done through local caching mechanism that has certain TTL, yet after the cache expires, there is no additional logic to rebuild this cache automatically.

I can see EN doing this to reduce excessive loads on the back end but at the cost of poor customer experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem here. I don't remember the exact numbers but it said something like 700 notes for the tag but when I clicked on the tag, it displayed 15.

Same with notebooks, it only displays a portion of the notes in a notebook. Makes the app useless. I end up having to search the web or email or, if I'm home, go upstairs and find the note I want on the desktop. If I'm not home, I'm SOL. Given how many issues I've had, either the developers don't use Evernote themselves or their testing protocols are very poor. I would never have released software like this when I was working as a developer.

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  • 3 months later...

Same problem here.

Up to last week, my tags were working fine, and now, when I click the tag itself in the left menu, even though it makes the number of notes included in parenthesis, it appears empty "no notes found".

Amazingly, lots of people are complaining about this for months to come and Evernote didn't even reply.

That's it for me. Evernote is broken for years and it's getting worse every day and they don't care about their users anymore. I'm canceling my paid subscription and migrating to Notion. Can't take it anymore.

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  • Level 5

EN usually does NOT comment on issues here or in other places (exceptions happen …).

The way to get a feedback is a support ticket - subscribers only, just to mention it. Support usually tries to make sure a problem iscreally the same, and then will tell if they already know a problem, and are working on it.

With tags, if the click in the left panel does not work, there is always the search language:

               tag:mytag      (Caution: no space behind the colon)

will produce a list of notes tagged with mytag.

If this does not work, the local search index is corrupted, and needs to be rebuild. 

  1. Log out, when asked dump all data. Log back in
  2. The same, but switch the device completely off before going back to login
  3. The same, but clear the apps data in settings before switching off
  4. The same, but before switching off delete the app and all data. After switching on reinstall

In all cases after logging back in don‘t use the device until the initial download has happened. Working into the download usually will not do harm, but in rare cases can again corrupt the search index.

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17 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

EN usually does NOT comment on issues here or in other places (exceptions happen …).

The way to get a feedback is a support ticket - subscribers only, just to mention it. Support usually tries to make sure a problem iscreally the same, and then will tell if they already know a problem, and are working on it.

With tags, if the click in the left panel does not work, there is always the search language:

               tag:mytag      (Caution: no space behind the colon)

will produce a list of notes tagged with mytag.

If this does not work, the local search index is corrupted, and needs to be rebuild. 

  1. Log out, when asked dump all data. Log back in
  2. The same, but switch the device completely off before going back to login
  3. The same, but clear the apps data in settings before switching off
  4. The same, but before switching off delete the app and all data. After switching on reinstall

In all cases after logging back in don‘t use the device until the initial download has happened. Working into the download usually will not do harm, but in rare cases can again corrupt the search index.

Using tag:* in the search box will ensure that all notes tagged with a specific tag (as a filter) will be returned as this action forces the client to invoke server-side search operation. The operation also rebuilds the local search index. However, the local search index does expire after X amount of retention time, hence the issue will re-occur in the near future. Saved search is a way to make the search always be server-side.

The issue only occurs for Android client (unsure about iOS) as desktop/web clients have no offline capability AFAIK.

It is unfortunate that Evernote had no documentation on how the "new" search works and customer support staff is clueless about it.

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  • Level 5

First paragraph: No idea, may be like this, or not. I am not aware that the search index would expire. I think it is build during the initial download, together with note headers, thumbs and other metadata.

Second paragraph: Both mobile Clients are very much alike. And the desktop clients have offline capability, thank you, unless you have turned it off (app settings, PC "Remove my Evernote data from this device", Mac „Keep data when leaving“). Used it recently on a train ride on my Mac, v10 offline, worked nicely, maybe even faster than online. Did sync everything as well, no issues after going online again.

Maybe the biggest deficiency of offline search on mobile is that it does NOT search inside of attachments, even if they are fully OCRed. This is really bad - I store a lot of PDFs, OCRed by creation or by my scanners software. If the search string is not in the notes header or text body, or no matching tags are applied, the information is NOT found. 👎👎👎👎👎

Third paragraph: If you go to the EN help page, and type Search into the search Field, you get 117 documents. Some more general, some quite specific. No „search whitepaper“, which would be nice to get. Probably this here is the „Search master document“, should be read before looking for details:


But I would not call this „no documentation“, it is quite some reading. If every staff member at customer service knows it all I doubt. They brought in a lot of new people, and in some cases I doubt they are even using EN themselves. But at least you reach support within of a day - it was much longer last fall, when v10 was dropped on the users.

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