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Cronofy with Evernote App link

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Cronofy is a great Evernote Calendar Connector.  I use it daily for the reminders to be schedule in my calendar.  Currently, the link provided by Cronfoy is its own link that point to web link.  It opens up Evernote Web.  Is there a way to open up Evernote Desktop/Mac?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

The possibilities to open the v10 apps externally are very limited - as you can see by scripting tools not working.

To get an official answer ask support.

There is a chance - it is requested - that Tasks will connect to calendars in the future.

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  • Level 5*
31 minutes ago, TonyLim said:

I have abandon Tasks.  Revert back to basic of using tags.

Personally, I use the Calendar app (Apple) for event based notes; not tasks

My task management process works well with tasks as individual notes
I use a tag (!Actionable-Task) and use the Reminder feature to store due-date and completion date/status

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I use Evernote Reminder as the Tickler file.  With cronofy, I have it in google calendar.  When the day comes, I can immediately drag it to schedule the exact time that I want to perform the task, with reference to the notes.

Day to day GTD task management follow TSW, 1-Now, 2-Next, 3-Soon, 4...etc.  If I need to have the 1-Now tasks to be performed on that day, I just put a Reminder.  Cronofy will have it in my google calendar almost instantly, with a link to the notes.

With the wonderful tags, the notes are full of context, when you open up to carry out your tasks.  Of course, you can also have checklist in your notes if there are more than 1 steps/tasks you need to perform.

Ever since v10, I have spend too much time testing/trying/adjusting/adapting the new ways (they call it features) of doing things.  Not going to do testing for them anymore.  I am simply a user to use it as a productivity tool to aid me in my work or workflow.  

For now, I will just bear with v10 current features & bugs & inconvenient to carry out my workflow.  If needed, go back to Window v6.25.1.9091 (not the legacy) to get things done.


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