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We need a backup facility in the new version for Windows

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I store information in Evernote. I need to back it up. The new version does not allow backup. I can back up from the legacy version, but since there's no indication of how long that will be available, I have had to transfer all my information to other software, because, if the legacy version is deactivated and there is a data loss, I'm stuffed. This is not an idle fear, considering that the IOS app is currently not syncing to the main database and the new Windows app was not syncing properly for almost two weeks.

Ironically, Evernote's help team helpfully suggested that I make a backup. Evernote recognises the need for backup but does not implement it.

It's basically the first question an intelligent user asks about a platform to store information: How can I make sure I don't lose the data?

This is not a fancy bells-and-whistles function. This is a key function.

I'm now using a combination of Joplin and Simplenote.

These are simply better products. It took under 5 seconds to backup all the data simply and securely for both.

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  • Level 5*
39 minutes ago, TimMHoxton said:

How can I make sure I don't lose the data? (We need a backup facility in the new version)

I use Evernote's export feature to back up my data; daily incremental and  weekly full exports (html format)   
This is currently running on a Mac using the Legacy product and is automated using scripting  
I expect to transition to the Version 10 product after pending features are implemented

>>if the legacy version is deactivated and there is a data loss, I'm stuffed

There's backup options in the Version 10 product - Why are you "stuffed"?

Currently, the Version 10 product supports export in enex format    
and supports separate exports for each notebook

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I agree with you that Evernote needs to find a way to allow users to keep their own backups if preferred.  I'm continuing to use Evernote Windows' last public release 6.25.1,  and a third-party app Backupery which exports all my notebooks (about 300 currently) to individual ENEX files on a daily basis.  Even if Evernote announces end-of-life on Legacy databases and ends access immediately (of which there is no danger),  my last backup will still be a valid copy of any work done within 12 hours or so.  The server-based copy of my database will still be available via v10,  as will the past versions of my notes for the past 10 years via Note History.  While I'm continuing to watch developments with profound interest,  I don't plan on migrating anything anytime soon...

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Yes, I can perform a backup from the legacy version (but for how long?)

The new version (10) does, of course, allow backup, but only to Enex, and only notebook-by-notebook or 50 notes at a times. With scores of notebooks and thousands of notes, it is not feasible to have a backup that takes maybe ten minutes (as opposed to five seconds) to run.

Backupery is apparently an option, but it's not free. I'm loathe to pay for a workaround.

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  • Level 5*
12 minutes ago, TimMHoxton said:

it is not feasible to have a backup that takes maybe ten minutes (as opposed to five seconds) to run.

My daily incremental export takes seconds to run   
The weekly full export takes 30 minutes for 15k notes at 13GB   
It is what it is - and quite feasible

>>Yes, I can perform a backup from the legacy version (but for how long?)

Long enough until features are expanded in the Version 10 product

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9 minutes ago, DTLow said:

My daily incremental export takes seconds to run   
The weekly full export takes 30 minutes for 15k notes at 13GB   
It is what it is - and quite feasible

May I ask, is that with the third-party software?

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  • Level 5*
40 minutes ago, TimMHoxton said:

May I ask, is that with the third-party software?

My backups are automated with scripting   
- Applescript is integrated with Evernote on a Mac    
- I understand Enscript is integrated on Windows

Scripting is a pending implementation feature for the Version 10 product

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  • 1 month later...


Hello, Im using the latest version of Evernote and when i sign out it prompt this and yea i want to keep a backup, but where does that Backup saved in my local drive ? I can't seem to find it. =( Is it saved as a different extension file or its an original file, say if its a MS Word file, the file is contained there. 

Tq all in advance for the reply. Cheers.

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  • Level 5*
On 2/6/2021 at 9:37 AM, cslai93 said:

yea i want to keep a backup

The notice you see is offering to save notes on the device so that you can work offline.  The notes are saved in a format useful to Evernote,  but not for backup.  To save a restorable copy of your database,  export your notes to ENEX files on a notebook-by-notebook basis,  or use an external service like CloudHQ that can backup from the server. 

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