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Searching and Annotating PDFs in Evernote

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Up until recently it was possible to open a pdf within in a note, search it and then annotate the text found by the search.  In the new version of Evernote it is not possible, as far as I can tell, to search a PDF within Evernote anyone and then jump into annotation mode.  Am I missing anything?  It took awhile to work out how to annotate a pdf in the new interface,  I would not be surprise if the functionality I am after has been berried as well.   



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  • 3 weeks later...

I can (usually) get into Annotation mode on Evernote for iOS 10.1 by opening the note and tapping the Edit button , but actually annotating PDFs seems to be mostly broken.  Ever since v10, problems abound.  I pay for Evernote Premium despite having OneNote as part of my O365 subscription because Evernote is (has been in the past) a superior product.  If these issues continue much longer, I will have to abandon Evernote for good.  I really don't want to do that.

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  • 3 years later...

I just found this thread and was using Legacy until it's no longer support. Just wondering if search within annotated PDFs will be supported?





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  • Level 5

What I really don’t understand: Answering to a 3 years old thread, with „wondering“ and „hm, hm“ in a subject that has such an obvious answer.

Just open any pdf in the iOS client, and the search function will jump right into your face:


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Ok I think I've found my issue!


Desktop [Mac OS 12]

1. Edit and Existing PDF and ADD Annotations and Save it changes

2. Open the Same PDF again [Via Preview.app on the Mac] and insert another annotation.


Evernote IOS App and Mac OS App

3. Attempt to search for those 2 annotation.

4. None of the NEW annotations were found.


Help Required:

Does that mean any new Annotation will have to be re-indexed?


@PinkElephant Do you think I have to force Evernote to Re-Index that note? IF so how do I force it on IOS and Mac OS? thanks


Can anyone else please shed some light or suggest as to what I can do



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  • Level 5

You can’t force an indexing. It is done on the server, and it usually happens by itself. There may be a lag until it has executed and synced to all devices.

Usually changes will be indexed by itself.

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Cool Thanks. I've now tried copying the PNG file onto a new PDF via Preview. then copy it back onto the note and Annotate via Preview so see if Evernote can index the change.


Im missing the Full Text Search feature on Evernote Legacy. Lets hope BSpoon restores that.



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