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Lembretes no Desktop

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  • Level 5*
18 hours ago, rguedes said:

I would like to know how to make reminders in Desktop Version, I can only make reminders on mobile  -- Translated by Google --

Screenshot from my Mac1780744788_ScreenShot2019-10-07at07_44_43.png.2af934281155f3fe0fb691f58172f9c1.png

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8 hours ago, rguedes said:

Thanks for the help, but my layout is totally different from yours, see

That doesn't look like the Windows version, it looks like Evenote web, new version, you need to switch to the old version to use Reminders:

From https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027

What features and functions are not available compared to the older version of Evernote Web?

There are a number of features and functions that will currently require you to switch back to the older version of Evernote Web. These include:

  • ......
  • Set reminders
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