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Problem syncing across mac's (and second icon)

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Hi, I'm having an issue where Evernote is not properly syncing, can you please help?

I have a MacBook and an iMac. The iMac doesn't seem to be missing any notes at all but the MacBook is missing many notes.

 I haven't been able to figure out what is causing the notes to go missing on the MacBook. Both applications are showing "All Notes". When I make a new note on the iMac, it seems to sync and go onto the MacBook Evernote app just fine, but there are many older notes from several years ago that are not showing on the MacBook. If I edit a note on the iMac that isn't showing up the on the MacBook, then that note syncs right away and shows up on the MacBook.

Why would this be happening? And how can I fix it so that all the missing notes also show up on the MacBook?

Also, for some reason the dock on the MacBook has two icons for Evernote. Clicking the second icon doesn't open a second instance of Evernote, it just activates Evernote like the first icon ( and triggers the first icon to bounce up and down if Evernote is not open yet). It seems like it might be just an alias but am not sure and don't know when/why it appeared.

Could this be related to the syncing problem?

And how can I remove that second icon from the dock?




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  • Level 5*

Evernote sync process is    Device <> Server <> Device

Check the server data using Evernote web at www.evernote.com

To trigger a full sync on your device; Hold the Shift and Option keys on your keyboard and click the sync wheel

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  • Level 5

Notes are synced when marked as „new“ or „changed“ in the background.

From your description this may not have happened sometime in the past. Which computer or which EN installation was created first ?

When you follow DTLow‘s advice, the sync will be forced. When this has worked, it is o.k., no further actions needed.

If problems do not go away, the next step would be a complete uninstall from the MacBook, using an app like AppCleaner. Be sure all data is synced to the server, all local notebooks exported. It is important to click on all options to remove really all data snippets from the Mac. After this, all icons should be gone.

Then a reinstall, using the version from the EN website, not from the AppStore. The new app will import all notes from the EN server via sync, local notebooks can be reimported.

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Thank you. I just tried to trigger/force full sync and it did not fix the issue.

On 8/11/2019 at 6:26 PM, DTLow said:

Check the server data using Evernote web at www.evernote.com

I just checked here and it seems to include the notes that the macbook is missing.



On 8/12/2019 at 2:27 AM, PinkElephant said:

From your description this may not have happened sometime in the past. Which computer or which EN installation was created first ?

I believe that EN was installed on the MacBook that is having issues first. It was probably installed first on my previous MacBook that I owned about 9 years ago, and then was definitely installed on this MacBook before the iMac.


On 8/12/2019 at 2:27 AM, PinkElephant said:

If problems do not go away, the next step would be a complete uninstall from the MacBook, using an app like AppCleaner. Be sure all data is synced to the server, all local notebooks exported. It is important to click on all options to remove really all data snippets from the Mac. After this, all icons should be gone.

Then a reinstall, using the version from the EN website, not from the AppStore. The new app will import all notes from the EN server via sync, local notebooks can be reimported.

Ok I will try this, thanks. Before I try it, I want to make sure that I don't accidentally delete or lose access to any notes or files that I had saved in evernote on the macbook. 

By removing all the data from the evernote on the MacBook, does that mean that I'm also deleting all of the local backups for evernote notes that are stored on my MacBook? If so, should I manually re-export all notes again to regain redundancy after reinstalling evernote? 

How can I be sure that all data is synced to the server? Do i just need to manually check a bunch of notes and compare total amounts of notes or is there any easier/more effective way to do this? 

Regarding local notebooks, can you please provide some additional advice? I just checked my notebooks to see if I had any local notebooks and the only notebooks I see that are indicated to be local on macbook are conflicting changes. If it were local to the macbook, it would be indicated just like those conflicting change notebooks, right?

Also, as i was looking into these local notebooks, I searched for the conflicting changes to see if they were also stored in my main notebook to see if it would be safe to just delete these conflicting changes without exporting them. I found that it was in my main notebook in addition to the conflicting changes notebook (which you can see in the bottom screenshot), but also found that the search function wasn't showing one of the notes in one of the conflicting notebooks (titled 'the water gun') in either the main notebook or the conflicting notes notebook. I've also experienced similar issues with the search on the macbook before so i'm don't think its specific to just this note or notebook.

Why is the search function not working for this?

Could this be related to the other issue with syncing?






















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  • Level 5

That is a lot of stuff to answer, and sorry maybe goes further than my knowledge, because here we have a bunch of problems.

The conflicting notes messages mean something went wrong with keeping some notes integrity. How does this happen: You are offline with one device, and change something in a note. Before this can sync, on another device either the web version or an offline version of the same note is changed as well. BANG - when everything is online again and syncing, poor EVERNOTE will not know which version is the correct one, so it writes duplicates, and an error message.

Because it can not resolve the conflict, you have to look after this manually. Either keep both versions, or copy and paste what is correct, or merge both notes into one, and delete what is too much now.

To be continued ...

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  • Level 5

When you are done resolving the conflicts, make sure you have synced everything to the server. The version on the EN server is the master copy, from which you can build or rebuild your devices database.

Next you can rebuild the search index. For this, hold the option key on your Mac before opening the HELP menu. There will be further options now (on my MacBook Pro 3 of them), and one is meant to repair the search index. Choose it, and let it run.

When it is done, recheck the search issue. Solved ? Then o.k., no further action needed. If not, sync, delete, reinstall ...

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  • Level 5

To check on the server, one way is to compare the number of notes per notebook. If there is a difference, sort and check for missing notes.

To reinstall, first download the app Appcleaner. It is advised to use this app for all uninstalls, not only for Evernote. It allows to remove every item related to a given program when uninstalling. Doing it through the Mac own process often leaves residue of data on the system.

Then make sure that you are fully synced.

You can run an ENEX export of your data as well, these can stay on your Mac. The same is true for time machine backups containing the current EN installation, they will not harm the uninstall.

Now make a full uninstall of EN, using Appcleaner. Make sure you manually check all elements shown in the Appcleaner window. By default, some parts are not checked, so check them manually. Execute ...

When done, go to the EN website and download the current version there. The version from the Macs App Store is identical. But it will always install in a sandboxed mode. And this will cause trouble - I had it myself until I uninstalled and switched to the website download.

Download, install, and enter with your account credentials. EN will „see“ that there is more data on the server than local, and will begin syncing everything from the server. Depending on your Internet connection, this may take a while.

Once it is through, you will have a virgin EN installation filled with the data from the server account.

This is my experience on my Mac. If you have any questions, I strongly recommend that you contact support to get an official guideline.

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