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Can't open Evernote after update (Desktop version)

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I removed the Evernote app and installed a new version (Evernote_RELEASE_7.10_4577500) - not using the update function within the app.

When starting the new installed app a popup opens with a text, see snapshot attached. A restart leads to the same problem.

What needs to be done to get the app back on track?


Screenshot 2019-05-08 at 02.17.50.png

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  • Level 5*

I'm not sure what's gone wrong but my solution would be a fresh start.

  • Completely remove Evernote from your machine; app, database, ...
    The app AppCleaner is recommended for this.
  • Reinstall Evernote, login, and the database will be rebuilt from the servers.
    Warning: the rebuild does not include Local Notebooks or unsync'd notes.
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Thanks for the proposal. I did that again, using the appcleaner function of Forklift, though. I did it in two ways:

1) remove the Evernote App and all associated folders in Forklift, and install it again using homebrew

2) remove the Evernote App and all associated folders in Forklift, and install it again using the traditional method, not using homebrew

Unfortunately in both cases the same problem occurs as described in my initial posting!

My notes are still there, as I can verify in the web app and using the iOS app.

Anyone? Any other proposals?




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I just updated Evernote through the program itself. Now when I try to open it, I get this error:


For those who can't see the image, it says:



Please restart your app

During the upgrade process we had a problem moving your data to its new location. Don’t worry, your files are safe but they may be in the wrong place. If restarting doesn’t fix things, please contact Evernote support.


If I click OK, it quits the program. Every time I try to open Evernote, this pops up. I tried restarting my machine, it didn't work. What do I do?

SPECS: I'm running Evernote 7.10 on OSX 10.13 High Sierra, on a Mid-2014 15" MacBook Pro

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@J.C Actually not necessary to send me the logs. I reproduced it on my end and filed a bug with engineering. You should be able to reinstall Evernote again if you use something like App Cleaner to remove Evernote content from Group Containers. Please make sure you check all the boxes to remove Evernote and then reinstall. Here's a screen recording with a quick reference on App Cleaner. 

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@dougfunny Actually not necessary to send me the logs. I reproduced it on my end and filed a bug with engineering. You should be able to reinstall Evernote again if you use something like App Cleaner to remove Evernote content from Group Containers. Please make sure you check all the boxes to remove Evernote and then reinstall. Here's a screen recording with a quick reference on App Cleaner. 

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  • Level 5*
On 5/12/2019 at 3:49 AM, nezy said:

Same problem, but App Cleaner, emptying trash and restarting doesn't help. Message "restart app" keeps appearing.

Can you confirm that before you reinstalled, Evernote was completely removed from your computer.  The issue seems to be remnants in the Group Containers folder.

I merged the discussions for this topic.

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On 5/14/2019 at 8:21 PM, DTLow said:

Can you confirm that before you reinstalled, Evernote was completely removed from your computer.  The issue seems to be remnants in the Group Containers folder.

I merged the discussions for this topic.

After I manually deleted Gorup Containers for Evernote, version 7.10 started working - don't know why App Cleaner didn't delete them. 

But bug with text rendering on non-retina displays still not fixed. All fonts for both my languages (en+ru) in right side look horrible, shame but it's still unusable. Back to version 7.3.1. First picture - 7.10, second - 7.3.1.

Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 12.35.12.png

Screen Shot 2019-05-19 at 12.41.31.png

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This is fun... Can someone please explain how to manually delete Group Containers for Evernote?

App Cleaner uninstall, emptying trash, restarting and reinstalling is not working for me.

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I am receiving the same error: "During the upgrade process we had a problem moving your data to its new location. Don’t worry, your files are safe but they may be in the wrong place. If restarting doesn’t fix things, please contact Evernote support." I removed the application using Clean my mac, re-installed the software, and am still getting the same error. Is there any plan to fix this bug soon? The program won't run at all on my computer. 

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  • Level 5*
12 hours ago, elfort said:

Can someone please explain how to manually delete Group Containers for Evernote?

Using Finder, Locate the folder, Right Click, Select Move to Trash


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