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(Archived) Is EN Premium support outsourced?

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We have some contractors and some employees that handle various types of support.

Contractors are all "Tier 1", and they may answer general questions (e.g. "how do I install client X?") and have a simple web-based tool to do a few basic operations on accounts like remove people from the monthly newsletter if they ask via the support form.

Anything that requires more detailed control or access is handled by our Tier 2 folks, who are all employees (who the CEO and CTO have known for years, incidentally). If you're asking for more detailed help on a problem, particularly something with your account or Premium payments, then that's always escalated to Tier 2 employees.

If they get completely stuck, it may get escalated to the de facto Tier 3 (me!). Then the fun really starts...

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  • Level 5*
If they get completely stuck, it may get escalated to the de facto Tier 3 (me!). Then the fun really starts...

I envision the whirring & whining of the steam turbines... clouds of smoke belching from Evernote Central... the walls creak and groan under the new strains and stresses... the sounds of whips cracking, and heads knocking together... and finally, from atop the tall central tower, a deep booming voice, laden with Doom...

"I am Dave, the Great and Powerful... hear me, and fear me!"


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