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Audio note playback always OUT LOUD ?

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I'm on an iPhone SE, newest IOS, using Evernote.  I have audio notes recorded that I need to listen to at work -- but don't want my coworkers to hear.

Is there no way to not play back the audio within a note through the speaker?  I've tried muting, thinking I'd hear it through the earpiece (aka "receiver") and not the speaker, but no, it plays out loud.

How can I hear my playback (without an earbud or headphones) without everyone else hearing it, too?

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  • Level 5*


On 10/10/2016 at 6:42 PM, Cara.M said:

How can I hear my playback (without an earbud or headphones) without everyone else hearing it, too?

Without something plugged into the earpiece connector on your device,  how else is it supposed to play back your audio?

If you connect your earbuds/ headphones to the device correctly,  all audio is rerouted from the speaker.  That's not something which Evernote can control with software.  If you play the audio with an earpiece connected and don't hear the sound through that earpiece,  then it's not connected properly.

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Methinks you're not understanding.  When I take a call, the whole world cannot hear it, even if I don't have an earbud or anything plugged into the connector.  I put the phone up to my ear and listen through the earpiece.

I want to do that when I listen to Evernote audio notes, too, and hear it only through that phone earpiece.  NOT through the speaker, which broadcasts out loud.

Does that make more sense?

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  • Level 5*
On 2016-10-10 at 10:42, Cara.M said:

I'm on an iPhone SE, newest IOS, using Evernote.  I have audio notes recorded that I need to listen to at work -- but don't want my coworkers to hear.

Is there no way to not play back the audio within a note through the speaker?  I've tried muting, thinking I'd hear it through the earpiece (aka "receiver") and not the speaker, but no, it plays out loud.

How can I hear my playback (without an earbud or headphones) without everyone else hearing it, too?

As you found out, the "receiver" is only available for phone calls.  
I don't know of any way to make it available for audio output.

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I have an app (Say&Go) that records my voice.  In its settings, there is an option for "Private Playback" on or off.  The description of this option says, "The recordings will be played through the receiver (a speaker intended to be held to the ear) to that only the user of the device will be able to hear them.  This option is available on telephones only."

And it works as I wish Evernote worked.

Why can they provide this, but Evernote cannot?

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, Cara.M said:

Why can they provide this, but Evernote cannot

Can't comment on the technical aspects,  but I don't know of any other apps that can play back through the receiver.  If it is possible,  I imagine Evernote possibly could do it - but it's a certain fact that it won't at present,  and - out of a claimed 200 million users - you are the first person to want this feature!  Evernote developers read these posts,  so if they think this is an interesting feature you might see it some time in the future...

If you post the suggestion in the Feedback section of the forums,  others would be able to vote on whether or not they agree this is a good idea - the more votes,  the more likely it is to happen.  ;)

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17 hours ago, gazumped said:

Can't comment on the technical aspects,  but I don't know of any other apps that can play back through the receiver. 

Well, that's why I posted about the app that I'm using that can play back through the receiver, called Say&Go (http://dafterapps.com/en/apps/9-say-go-memo-recorder-your-perfect-inbox)

If they can do it (and have done it for a couple of years, I think) -- I'm not sure why Evernote couldn't.  So I will suggest it in Feedback, as you suggest.

I'm a little surprised to hear people so quickly give the 'can't be done' answer (when, in fact, it can).

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