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  1. I replied to this in the other thread where you posted this. There used to be an indication, but it was lost in 6.0. Managed to find a comparison I made when the change happened almost 4 years ago: https://www.evernote.com/l/AeZUG256SJ5IfITSm0hlDl82ao6oAWI6T_A
  2. I don't know when Evernote introduced the large unsightly headers for merged notes. But I do know exactly when they started becoming more than just an aestetichal problem, more than 4 years ago: The issue is, that the first header would be repeated if you merged notes with merged notes, see the example in the post above. A complete deal breaker for me. I filed a bug report all those years ago, but have no hope of ever seeing it fixed.
  3. I agree very much with these concerns. The Recent Notes feature can potentially compromise privacy. To add to this, some of the notes I have in Evernote, I actually never want to see or be reminded of ever again once I am done with them. The consequence for me has been to downgrade to 6.13.3 in order to still be able to use shortcuts, which in turn, is incredibly useful.
  4. My birthday is 08/08. I love the number 8 and 88. I had hoped that 8.8 would be the day, I'd update. But alas. I hate 8.8 as I have hated any 8.* release before it.
  5. This has been requested for years and years. It has been made abundantly clear that Evernote is not going to implement this. For unknown reasons. To be diplomatic.
  6. My private theory is that Evernote decided to remove the presentation feature from iOS because it never got implemented in Android, despite requests. This way, Android users won't have a valid reason to be angry that it is still not present when Android 8 rolls around. But, of course, it is just a theory.
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