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Being able to add a note from the text of another note

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Very often I create a note from the text that I find in one of my notes, this way I create smaller pieces of information that are easier to remember of easier to find. My workaround is to copy the text, go to the menu, create a note, and then paste the text. Sometimes I find that I spend too much time doing this mechanic work instead of focusing on my notes. It would be handy to have a contextual menu to allow you to create a note from the text you have selected on other note.

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  • Level 5*

...I do agree that managing notes and creating a sensible parent / child setup is a lot of work.  Most folks (IMHO) don't make notes in isolation,  but tend to add clusters of notes mirroring the way they research,  or the way they think,  which often then have to be moved around and organised into a more coherent structure.  It would definitely be helpful to a lot of users across all account types if Evernote allowed -

  1. Wiki linking - typing special characters around a [word] [or a phrase] to automatically set a link to an existing note or create a new blank note with that name.
  2. Note splitting - a key-combination to put selected text into a new note and remove it from the current note,  with options to leave,  or omit a link to the new note from the old one.
  3. Transclusion - including some or all of the content of one note in the body of another - embedding information (like "how to contact support") into several notes in such a way that if the details change,  you need only change it on one place to update all visible occurrences of that information.

- and that's just a quick summary.  Work required please,  Evernote!

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I think I might work in a different way. I'd consider using the right click "copy note." Then if I really wanted to link up, I'd also "copy note link." In the copied note, I'd delete the unwanted material and paste in the original note link.  OR you could consider highlighting your text, but  leaving all or some of the context. See here for why to do this second method: http://www.readingwithevernote.com/reading-with-evernote-blog/2013/11/10/the-great-kindle-highlighting-work-around

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You can use keyboard shortcuts.

Select, ctr-c to copy, ctrl-alt-v to paste in a new note.


Yep... this is the way to go...


Hold down the Ctrl key (after selecting your text)... and then hit C...N...V separately 


Plus... C,N and V are neighboring keys. 


... In fact, if you had a keyboard shortcut with 3 function keys (in PhraseExpress or AHK) plus a letter, you've got exactly the same number of keys to hit... and testing it out right now, it's a little more cumbersome to hold down 4 keys simultaneously... so the regular keyboard shortcuts in quick succession will be difficult to significantly improve upon.


To top it off, hit F2 to take you to the Title field.

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  • Level 5*

I like the workaround to copy a block of text to a new note.  I'd still want my option 2 though - maybe amended to:


2. Note splitting - a key-combination to put selected text into a new note and remove it from the current note,  with options to leave,  or omit

> a link to the new note from the old one

> the copied text.

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I like the workaround to copy a block of text to a new note.  I'd still want my option 2 though - maybe amended to:


2. Note splitting - a key-combination to put selected text into a new note and remove it from the current note,  with options to leave,  or omit

> a link to the new note from the old one

> the copied text.


Hmmm... reminds me of another app we both use - where one can move bullets around (or hit enter to split the "note"), with each list/ bullet having their own unique URL which links internally  ;)

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