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Evernote background / power nap syncing? macOS

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Is Evernote supposed to sync in the background in macOS? Whenever I open my machine I find that Evernote has not synced. Even if the machine is awake and I've been using it for a while, syncing isn't triggered until I change the focus to an active Evernote window. Then after some time syncing is triggered. This has led to note change conflicts in the past. 


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I’m seeing sync reports during sleep recorded in the log. However when I first change focus to the Evernote window I see a new sync occur and only then are prior changes propagated to the app. This is the same behavior I’ve seen on 3 different Macs. Basically even if I’ve been on the computer for an hour no true syncing occurs until I change focus to the Evernote window. 

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