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  1. Yeah, I am serious. I hope I can bear the UI but before I make my mind. I would like to try something else although Anki should be the most reliable software for space repletion. I found this one Reflect which seems quite handy, so I may try it for a while. Using Anki as a habit requires strong discipline but the effort pays.
  2. You're genius. It works well now after your fix. By the way, I used Evernote for quite a few years but I am pretty new to Anki, which doesn't look so good at first glance. Maybe I will keep using it for a while till I can say whether it is proper for me or not for space repetition. In the meanwhile, I found another software 'Reflect' which could turn notes in Evernote for repetition. I bet you must use Anki, do you still use it? How do you feel and do you have other recommend software for space repetition (it's best to relate Evernote since I have tons of stuffs there)?
  3. I encounter this error when importing my notes to Anki. can you help? An error occurred in an add-on. Please post on the add-on forum: https://anki.tenderapp.com/discussions/add-ons Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 545, in main controller.proceed() File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 506, in proceed n1 = self.import_into_anki(cards_to_add, self.deck, self.ankiTag) File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 534, in import_into_anki cards = self.evernote.create_evernote_cards(guid_set) File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 391, in create_evernote_cards note_info = self.get_note_information(guid) File "/Users/bin/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons/Evernote2AnkiMacAddon/Evernote2AnkiMac.py", line 417, in get_note_information return whole_note['title'].encode('utf-8'), whole_note['content'].encode('utf-8'), tags, whole_note['attachments'], whole_note['modified'] UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tags' referenced before assignment
  4. No, it won't when it is in the title. Even, I tried to quote it using intitle:“some_” but failed.
  5. I am sorry but you misunderstand it. I mean to search using "intitle:_" and you won't get the notes with a title like "some_thing". In addition, I tried using intitle:"_thing" but it failed again. I guess the only way to make it work is to have a space before and after _
  6. Here is an example note with title "some_thing". Anyway, it seems correct if I put a space character in and after the _. So I may use this way instead to mark my notes instead.
  7. I could get result with _ in the title but not all. That's why it fails. Try to create some new notes with _ in the title, and then you may see it.
  8. The underscore is not supported 100%. If you do a search in your notes with title including "_", you will see not all notes show up.
  9. Thanks but it seems to be complex. I will pass it.
  10. @SvenSND, that's quite a lot of tags over there I settled to use just one tag 'repetition' and then saved searches to get it done. Here are one example: - review all notes created within 2 days with tag 'repetition': created:day-2 tag:repetition -all notes created exactly 6 days ago with tag 'repetition': created:day-6 -created:day-5 tag:repition ... Then you can create others like 'week', 'month', 'quarter' 'semi-year' etc. if you want to. I use the created day field as the timestamp. The key here is to review all these searches every day to 'repeat'. (I know it is not perfect to use too many searches but it is the best I can figure out.)
  11. So did you set up a proper system in Evernote for spaced repetition? I eager to know.
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