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Alex Mas

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Everything posted by Alex Mas

  1. Yes, it's true that there are a few workarounds that helps. Since I use headers in my tables I usually copy a word from a different cell, paste it in the new cell, double click on it and then add my text... which is slightly quicker than formatting it through the menu. Where I don't need different formatting within the note it's much easier to just ctrl+a and then format the whole note, but that's rarely the case with more complex notes.
  2. Why on earth is the scratch pad limited to 300 characters? 300 doesn't even fill the pad in its smallest square widget format. Now that I have adopted the scratch pad functionality it is so annoying that I have to convert it to a note after an arbitrarily set number of characters. Please change that to at least 1000 : )
  3. I honestly thought that making a checkbox list from the dropdown menu also meant it would stay a checkbox list. But when I press enter to add a new row, it ***CONVERTS THE WHOLE LIST*** to a checklist.... WHAT?
  4. If I change the font or text size for a whole table, it still reverts to default for the input I make in a previously empty cell, which means I have to change the font again after every edit. It would be so nice if the table could just remember what font and size I set it to and keep the rest of the inputs in the same style.
  5. "Please add the ability to expand widgits vertically as well as horizontally. " I totally agree, Home screen would improve a lot by this!
  6. Would be great if we could resize widgets on home screen to a vertical shape and not only wider horizontally.
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