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Sky Blue Thinking

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  1. My last info from EN was in response to my support ticket over a year ago. Although they said the plug-in would fixed in the next update, the plug-in hasn’t been updated in YEARS, so I’m not holding my breath. I did ask support whether they had a timeframe in mind for updating the plug-in, but received no response. @agsteele’s reply ^^ doesn’t sound promising …
  2. Hi, Trying to save a PDF from Mac Preview to Evernote using the "share" menu button and clicking the Evernote icon. Up pops the menu box, I add a bit of text (as a note title), then hit "save". Head over to EN, and nothing's there. Am I missing something? Does the "share" button not work anymore? Thanks ...
  3. Thanks Mike - "several days" is fair enough, but no updates for 2.5 MONTHS??? Anyway - thanks for the tip for doing the straight re-download. I'll do that as it seems there's some sort of bug in my app... Thanks!
  4. Hi! Loving the meeting note button in the Google calendar integration in Home. One improvement I can suggest - the option to choose the meeting note from your gallery, or create a custom version? This could be pre-stored in your preferences? Thanks!
  5. So it's 24th January, and I'm still unable to update beyond 10.25.6 which was, when, 11th November? I've waited my turn when all the "EN 10.2x is here" announces come, but EN still proudly announces "You’re up to date! Evernote 10.25.6 is currently the newest version available" whenever I hit that "check for updates button". Am I missing something? I'm on MacOS Monterey 12.1. I also have EN Legacy, but that's been the case since upgrading to v10 ... Just checking to see if this is common (couldn't find anything on search...) before I fire off a support ticket ... Thanks friends!
  6. Just had an email from EN support saying it IS a bug, no other users have reported it yet, and it’ll be fixed in the next update to the Outlook add-in - no date yet.
  7. An update on this matter if anyone"s interested )EN support are still looking into this): I experimented by using Outlook’s “Send to Onenote” add-in to send an email to my OneNote account, and then sent the same one to EN. Then I clicked the respective links to the original email in Onenote & EN. The Onenote link worked fine, took me straight to the actual email in Outlook (albeit web rather than desktop). EN’s link of course took me to the Outlook inbox and no further. So I checked the URLs in each note – you’ll note the formatting is slightly different in each. (Whether that’s an error in the EN back-end or something that happens specifically in my EN account I’ll leave to EN Support to discover!) URL details below: Outlook -> Onenote: https://outlook.live.com/owa/?ItemID=AAkALgAAAAAAHYQDEapmEc2byACqAC%2FEWg0AaJzw5LFWDkiYf5QfB%2B4f2gAFIqhYaQAA&exvsurl=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem Outlook -> Evernote: https://outlook.office.com/owa/#ItemID=AAkALgAAAAAAHYQDEapmEc2byACqAC-EWg0AaJzw5LFWDkiYf5QfB_4f2gAFIqhYaQAA So Onenote has a “?” after the “owa/” instead of EN’s “#”, and adds “&exvsurl=1&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem” at the end of the URL. Is it likely that the Onenote add-in does a better job of rendering the original email's URL than the EN add-in? If so, is there a workaround? Hopefully EN Support will work it out ...
  8. Trying to copy & paste into EN from Apple Notes and nothing happens ... tried this with simple text notes and also more complex notes with images, URLs etc etc. Anyone else? What am I missing? Thanks ...
  9. Quick update - clipping from iOS & iPadOS Safari is now OK, as is clipping from the Amazon app, but I can’t clip from either Instapaper or Pocket without getting the “importing xxx articles” eternally revolving arrows.
  10. I’m struggling with this too - for me it’s not PDFs rather links from Safari/Instapaper etc. oddly, Evernote iOS gives me the tally of links being imported from my iPhone clips, EN iPadOS gives me the tally of clips being imported from iPad clips. Like @Matt Miranda above I’m loathe to simply uninstall & reinstall if o lose the details of the clips I’m waiting to import. Thanks friends …
  11. The Google integration features a handy in-note “picker” button that enables you to choose the file(s) from within EN. Absolutely you can drop a Box/Dropbox etc link into EN, but you can’t browse your files from within EN. An even better version of the G Drive integration would be to be able to edit a doc/sheet/slide from within EN, but that’s for another thread …
  12. Ah, I didn't know that, thanks @PinkElephant - I guess that would certainly take the Google integration easier, and would probably make integration w other Clouds difficult. Probably also applies to integration with the Outlook calendar (which I know was supposed to be in the pipeline until recently ...)
  13. Hi Bruno! I'm amazed nobody else is interested in this - I asked the same question on here a few months ago (in my case, I use Box.com ...), but, like you, nobody has either voted or replied. I know Google maybe has the majority of cloud storage users, but surely there's enough critical mass among Dropbox, Box, OneDrive users to warrant this? Anyway - I've upvoted this - let's see where it leads!
  14. When I use the "Save to Evernote" in Mac Outlook, the email appears as a Note in EN, which is great, but then clicking the URL of the email only takes you back to the Outlook (web) inbox, rather than the email itself. I'd still have to search for the email to find the original. This is the case both for my corporate O365 email and my personal Outlook.com email. Is there a solution, is this a known issue? The issue is true for Mac Outlook, iOS Outlook, as well as Mac EN v10, Legacy Mac and iOS EN, but on Mac I'm running: Evernote: 10.24.3-mac-ddl-public (3041) Editor: v134.0.17043 Service: v1.41.4 Outlook client: Outlook for Mac 16.55 (21102000) Microsoft 365 Subscription MacBook Pro 13" 2017 macOS Monterey 12.0.1 Thanks!
  15. Another vote from me. I think I can understand the issues if you’re looking to append full pages etc with all their different formatting, but simple bookmarks or YouTube videos? Come on ... Apple Notes makes it so simple ...
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